President Joe Biden of the United States advised Americans to be optimistic about “2020,” which he mistook for 2022. He said this while urging people to be vaccinated.
In his speech, Biden said, “There’s a lot of reason to be hopeful in 2020.”
He emphasized that people who have been vaccinated and have received a booster dose may become infected with COVID-19, but they will be protected because of the vaccine. watch
Just curious, when you guys are preparing to post something, do you do a cursory 2 minute check to see if one of the other authors has already posted the exact same thing earlier?
67 IQ rich moron 50 years ago. Still a 67 IQ moron; just a little richer; and thanks to DOMINION “our President”.
25,000,000 imaginary votes prove, “… it who counts the votes!”!#$%^?!@*&
So now it’s official: We’re doomed.
2020: “I was the shittiest year ever”
2021: “Baloney. I was shittier than you”
2022: “Hold my beer…”
The Turnip
Will do anything
Will read anything
Will say anything
Will sign anything
And Dr. J. facilitates this.
Cognitive auto-pilot.
What bums we have in charge of us.
BTW, why does my computer always link to the WHO
for a second when I try to log into your site?
This is what happens when We, the People of the United States, tolerate lies, electoral fraud, and usurpation.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Forward into the past. (For those who remember Firesign Theater).
There WAS reason to be hopeful in 2020. Donald Trump was still president.
I resent that!
Biden’s going to resign?
Until, Nov.4, that was true!!!
rich taylor JANUARY 6, 2022 AT 8:54 AM
Believe these are most often “scheduled” ahead and there might not be the communication back and forth asked what they’ve each scheduled to post…
rich taylor JANUARY 6, 2022 AT 8:54 AM
Just a thought…
If you really want to see duplication ask Mr. Big for my e-mail and I can add you to an e-mail group that often duplicates or similar from different sources. One difference, no ads…, but then I don’t have to pay for a website.
I am hopeful that you will assume room temperature soon.
Hopeful in 2020, still hopeful in 2022, now he’s goin to prison.
I hope the gravediggers who dig the hole for him enjoy their work.
And, I hope they don’t drop him in Arlington NC.