There’s a new cry-baby in the family – IOTW Report

There’s a new cry-baby in the family

boehner grandpa

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15 Comments on There’s a new cry-baby in the family

  1. >”not all things are political.”<

    If so, Why would boehner announce this birth using his government/political account?

    boehner is the ultimate cheap shot artist.

    Dump boehner and mcCONnel….worthless progressive rinos.

  2. The reason people give their kids stupid names like this?

    Too bad the kid is gonna go through life getting teased and tormented over a name that clearly sounds like Cosmo and Wanda would name their next fairy-baby.

  3. Where’d my avatar go? There I am!

    Sorry Johnny Boy. Hard for me to share in your joy while you idly stand by and do NOTHING to help us out here. I hope you’re stripped nude of the Speakership. ?

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