There’s a Shocking Correlation Between Getting Vaxxed and Pushing for War With Russia – IOTW Report

There’s a Shocking Correlation Between Getting Vaxxed and Pushing for War With Russia

h/t Joe6pak

The Liberty Daily:

Those who have been at least triple-jabbed are far more likely to want to escalate Western conflict with Russia than those who have not received Covid injections, according to a recent survey in Canada. And before anyone jumps in and says, “but that’s in Canada,” please stipulate there’s a high degree of certainty that the jabbed vs unjabbed mentality is closely tied between Americans and Canadians.

Here’s the graphic posted by Human Events show host Jack Posobiec: Posobiec gave a Spock-like one-word commentary on the information: “Fascinating.”

20 Comments on There’s a Shocking Correlation Between Getting Vaxxed and Pushing for War With Russia

  1. So, “fretful women” want a war?

    Apologies to women in general, but these people sound like the scared whiny people still wearing masks and demanding others share thier hypochondriac behaviour.

  2. My theory is that those who pursued multiple jabs are virtue signalers and they also tend to have a strong fear complex. They may want a war but rest assured none of them would volunteer to go fight it. They would rather someone else make the sacrifice while they remind us of their virtue “saving everyone” with their decision to rid the world of the big bad Putin.

  3. Well I’ve had 3 jabs. Told my wife to put a bullet in my head if I ever think anything a Democrat writes or says makes sense. I’m not crippled, still think liberals and progressives are insane, and don’t have any heart or respiratory problems that I didn’t have before this debacle.

    I don’t think there is any more sense in this study than writing that only people that read Ayn Rand are the only ones that don’t want war, but in any heap of bullshit you can find a diamond I suppose.

    I don’t think either side is worth fighting with or for. Russia is always gonna be Russia. Ukraine wanted to join NATO, what is so hard to understand? Putin doesn’t like it anymore than we would if Texas wanted to be a part of Mexico. I’ve seen other people mention that since I did.

    This sort of information is a disservice to everyone.

  4. the point missing in the article is that they don’t want to go to war … they want you & your children to go to war

    talk to any regressive & they’ll end up telling you that the military is only for people who can’t get into college, find a job & are the bottom of the barrel losers in life.
    (truth: I was told this by a progtard that knew I had a son in the military at the time she spoke such words)
    they have nothing but contempt for the military & have no qualms about sending them anywhere to be D’rat cannon-fodder for D’rat goals.

  5. My guess is that one of the reasons the US is focusing on generating hatred towards Russians is because Russians are white. It’s safe for democrats to do so.

  6. It’s all about the uncritical intake of media. The “war-karens” are just the latest manifestation of mass formation psychosis. Our elites have fine-tuned their machine and they want to use it for everything now, consequences be damned. This will
    Not end well.

  7. It’s leftist cult shit. If they told these lost morons to stab themselves in the eye with a pen (for peace!) they’d do it.

    Say… That’s a good idea!

  8. Add another fact is that the Clinton woman while Sec of State and the Clinton Foundation refused donations from ‘certain’ nations but slyly accepted the mega-money from individuals and businessmen TIED to those foreign nations, one of them being Ukraine.

  9. @Sippin’ Coffee March 20, 2022 at 8:47 pm

    > Apologies to women in general

    This. This is why China putting the men of the west back in their cages (until tomorrow’s shift) is the right thing to do.

    They screeched (like little grrls) for a time at the wheel. Now that we’re waiting for the wrecker to drag the machine out of the ditch that they dug, that they crashed the machine into, we have to listen to them screech about evil ditches.

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