There’s a typhus epidemic in Los Angeles just like any other third world city – IOTW Report

There’s a typhus epidemic in Los Angeles just like any other third world city

American Thinker: Los Angeles is a modern American city of 4 million people that’s in the midst of a typhus epidemic.

Typhus? Really?

It’s true. The same disease that afflicts many residents of Caracas, Venezuela is spreading in Los Angeles and city officials – not to mention residents – are frightened.

Typhus is spread by fleas hitching a ride on rats. The rat population in LA is doing fine, thank you, as piles of garbage dot the cityscape, making it Thanksgiving Day every day for the city’s fat, happy rodents.  more

See Also:


Typhus Epidemic Worsens in Los Angeles.

A veteran Los Angeles City Hall official is one of the latest victims of an epidemic of the infectious disease typhus that continues to worsen across LA County.

For months, LA County public health officials have said typhus is mainly hitting the homeless population.

But Deputy City Attorney Liz Greenwood, a veteran prosecutor, tells NBC4 she was diagnosed with typhus in November, after experiencing high fevers and excruciating headaches.

“It felt like somebody was driving railroad stakes through my eyes and out the back of my neck,” Greenwood told the I-Team. “Who gets typhus? It’s a medieval disease that’s caused by trash.”

14 Comments on There’s a typhus epidemic in Los Angeles just like any other third world city

  1. “LA’s idiot mayor Eric Garcetti was going to run for president (‘typhus in every pot’), but he jusr got caught up in an FBI corruption scandal, under reported by the media.”

    “Under reported” because, oh, I dunno; an East Coast Governor wearing blackface thirty-five years ago maybe?

  2. Our open borders idiocy has allowed the import of numerous diseases from the 3rd world that were mainly eradicated here. More gross negligence and idiocy from our pathetic stupid greedy elected officials. Public health experts have been warning about this for decades. All racists i suppose…

  3. “snooze. 124 in a population like LA’s is a non event. Cut the “epidemic” hyperbole. Report the nastiness. No need to adopt CNN standards.”

    Zero to 124 in a small area of a big city is huge. Remember “typhoid mary” in new york?

    When high city officials get nearby street diseases, you know you have a BIG problem.

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