There’s An Illegal Alien Health Crisis At The Border – IOTW Report

There’s An Illegal Alien Health Crisis At The Border

The Lid: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents are calling for medical help from the  CDC, Coast Guard, and the Pentagon to screen illegal immigrants and they’ve asked American and Mexican disease specialists to investigate the surge of sick migrants caught at the border after another illegal immigrant child died in U.S. custody. None of those steps will solve the illegal alien health crisis that few people are talking about.

Per Secretary Nielsen

“Our system has been pushed to a breaking point by those who seek open borders. Smugglers, traffickers, and their own parents put these minors at risk by embarking on the dangerous and arduous journey north. This crisis is exacerbated by the increase in persons who are entering our custody suffering from severe respiratory illnesses or exhibit some other illness upon apprehension.  Given the remote locations of their illegal crossing and the lack of resources, it is even more difficult for our personnel to be first responders.

A DHS official told reporters that “literally dozens” of sick migrants are being transported to hospitals across the border each day and that growing numbers of children showing illness are present in border patrol custody.  Given their young age,  children will be most susceptible to disease. Anyone who has been a teacher or a parent knows that young children can be like little petri dishes when it comes to some illnesses.
In reaction to the growing illness problem, especially with kids, the CBP announced that it conducted secondary medical checks on all children in CBP care and custody, with a focus on children under age 10. But its unsure how that will help, because most of the illegals are still in Mexico.

18 Comments on There’s An Illegal Alien Health Crisis At The Border

  1. If “most of the illegals are still in Mexico” that’s good. Isn’t this an appropriate project for the International Red Cross and Médecins Sans Frontières? They should set up shop in Tijuana and elsewhere in Mexico and Guatemala.

  2. @aleon – If they’re mostly Central American, then they’re mostly in Mexico illegally. I did read that the original “caravan” – i.e., “traveling mob” – crossed the border from Guatemala into Mexico without paperwork or following normal legal procedures.

  3. The CDC is mystified — mystified! — by the inexplicable paralyzing “polio-like” virus invading America in the last four years. With finger-in-dimple, they ask, “Oh wherever, wherever could it be coming from?”

    The answer will be: Lie, burn the reports and studies, and play “good PC soldier.”
    ….Lady in Red

  4. the cartels will now have an ‘upgrade’ for their people smuggling services, where they inoculate kids, for their ‘parents’ to gain easier entry. If they don’t have kids, they can fix that too. On Tuesdays, they have a special on diseased/sick kids.
    There should be a quarantine period for _legal_ immigrants, and refusal of entry for illegals. They are disease vectors, and releasing them into our country is just spreading their imported diseases. The CDC is derelict in its duty. Entirely.

  5. @uncle Al- those were ‘the good old days’

    now there are actually incentives appearing, encouraging illness in children, in order to gain a ‘guaranteed’ entrance to our country, for illegals.
    it is a twisted world, and the democrats are playing ‘Twister’ with our laws.

  6. The Communist agenda is to destroy the people any way possible, very Stalinistic. Either bring the sick and diseased into the country, or just plain make the babies/children sick and disabled with fraudulent vaccines. Will the MSM report this news: Italian vaccine board investigators have found that the major vaccines required to give babies have none of the alleged antigens in them. But instead strange components, probably poisons harmful to health and life physically and mentally.

  7. From tRuth: “Italian vaccine board investigators have found that the major vaccines required to give babies have none of the alleged antigens in them…”

    Might want to provide a link to some documentation when you make a claim like that.

  8. @Lowell – “Vaccinegate” is a big deal in Italy and to a lesser degree in the EU. It has been largely ignored here in the U.S. What @tRuth says is supported by this article at Health Impact News. I know nothing about that web site, so believability is up to you.

    If you do a bit of web searching, you’ll find multiple articles. The MSMoids, being almost universally pro-vaccine, downplay what may be a fairly nasty scandal. It is pretty clear that the articles on better-recognized news sites are not objective. That doesn’t mean they are inaccurate but suggests strongly that they are misleading/disingenuous.

  9. “…And it gets worse. In addition to no vaccine antigens, they found the following:
    traces of 65 chemical cross-contaminants from other manufacturing lines;
    chemical toxins;

    They must have studied under the clintons:
    “”While skimming tens of millions of dollars from U.N. levies imposed on airline travelers, the Clinton Foundation’s Clinton Health Aids Initiative worked closely with a pharmaceutical company in India to distribute “drastically substandard” generic antiretroviral drugs to Third World countries that had no chance of helping HIV/AIDs patients, according to a Wall Street analyst….”
    “A documentary seven years in the making tying Bill Clinton to an Arkansas prison blood scandal that spread AIDS to thousands around the world is set to screen in Hollywood next week – renewing controversy about the long-forgotten story….”
    that blood was reported as bad, and they knew it.

    There are some truly heartless people in the world.
    Not trying to hijack the thread, but if I see certain things hit the ground, I may kick them a few times.


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