There’s Defensive and then there’s Joe Biden Defensive – IOTW Report

There’s Defensive and then there’s Joe Biden Defensive

Patriot Retort: Whelp.  I think now we know why Joe Biden hadn’t said anything about the accusation against him made by Tara Reade.  Holy smokes.  The “Biden will finally answer questions” interview with MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinksi was an unmitigated disaster for Team Biden.  Joe was so damn defensive that he inadvertently added fuel to the fire.

If the objective was to put this allegation to rest, Defensive Joe just managed to do the opposite.

Frankly, I’m surprised Mika asked Joe some pretty good questions.  And maybe Team Biden hadn’t expected that – which might explain why Joe was either caught speechless or got belligerent and defensive.

Mika actually asked Joe to square his position regarding the accusations against Brett Kavanaugh with Tara Reade’s accusation against him. [Spoiler alert: it didn’t square.]

But it was when Mika pressed him on why he won’t get the University of Delaware to release his papers that things went from bad to worse.

17 Comments on There’s Defensive and then there’s Joe Biden Defensive

  1. Biden’s that guy at you back-yard neighborhood barbeque that always manages, one way or another, to walk right through your patio screen door

  2. slow joe used a double negative ‘never never happened’ and as most of us learned a long time ago such use indicates the opposite of what the speaker intends.

  3. Dementia Joe made some good points in that interview. Good thing they were all points that Tara Reade wanted to make if she was given the opportunity to tell her account of the fingercourse he inflicted on her. This isn’t going away. It’s like a carbuncle on his candidacy. Stand back! It’s going to erupt any day now.

  4. There’s softball and then there’s MSNBC trying to grab Joe Biden by the shirt collar and drag him across home plate softball.

    FFS. They would like nothing more than to grab a spoonful of tapioca pudding and make airplane noises to get him to eat it by pretending it’s an airplane going to land without him dribbling it down his chin and onto his tie. Instead, that innocent bit of dinner theatre turned into United Flight 93.

    Joe stormed the cockpit and made sure it crashed in a field in Scranton.

  5. Joe- look we need to let these documents go public so that we can have intercourse with them about that so it never never happened. And I just want to say I’ve been fighting for women ever since I first saw one. So I’m going to keep fighting them. That’s my story and I better not say anything else.

  6. “Will you allow people to exam those university records for Tara Reade?”


    “Why not?”

    “Because there is nothing there!”

    BIDEN LOGIC: There is no reference to Tara Reade, so there is no reason to look and verify that. So stay out!

    Sounds reasonable. :/

  7. Joe:

    “until I get to smell Mika’s hair and fondle her while I whisper sweet nothings in her ear I will not admit to being Joe”

    “so go ahead and put your albums away because I am not going to play anymore records either!”

    “now, where is my new 12 year old female “intern” because my fingers are cold!”

  8. “Joe will not be the candidate.”

    I lean toward thinking that as well, but I draw a blank when it comes to thinking about who would be if he isn’t.

    I’m just not seeing any clear undercurrent of Democrat thinking when it comes to a different candidate replacing him yet.

    Maybe I’m just not astute enough on leftist thinking to see what others may be seeing, would like to know.

  9. Anonymous are you being sarcastic?

    I can’t tell…obviously Hillezelbub set this whole thing up as Joe was always a placeholder so she could avoid the Demonrat nomination scrum and save her powder for the General election.

    Joe will most likely select her as VP soon so he can step aside and let her assume the nomination without a single effort.

    This has always been the plan, and why Pedo Joe refuses to select a minority woman.

    Hillezelbub will then select Manchelle as VP so both crime families have election air cover to hide from the gallows.

    It won’t work but they are both in full panic now. As she once correctly stated. If he gets elected we are all gonna hang.

    The High Priestess of Satan will be coronated as only a female can be viable post Tara Reade. This was to angle Bernie from the batters box.

    A sex scandal and the 100th anniversary of woman’s suffrage guarantees it will be two women at the top of the ticket.

  10. Joe dug himself into a hole, which I expected, I just didn’t forsee him digging one the size of the grand canyon!

    The douche is so obviously guilty. Wow.


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