There’s more going on with the Georgia ballot case and attorney resignations than you’re being told – IOTW Report

There’s more going on with the Georgia ballot case and attorney resignations than you’re being told


As you’ve probably heard, in a surprising development, two defense attorneys abruptly resigned from the Georgia ballot case. The case surrounds the accusation that thousands of GA ballots were actually counterfeit.

So, why did the two defense attorneys jump ship like that? An IT expert named Kevin Kelton suggests that the county might be gearing up to admit they’ve destroyed the ballots in question. If true, this puts Fulton County in a heap of legal trouble. Destroying evidence during a case often signals guilt. But there’s more at stake here—are we witnessing a coverup?

Investigative journalist Rogan O’Handley shared his insights on what’s truly happening in a post on X: MORE

9 Comments on There’s more going on with the Georgia ballot case and attorney resignations than you’re being told

  1. democRATz and their propaganda arm known as the Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media lie??? Say it ain’t so!

    Destroying evidence during a case often signals guilt.

    I should signal an impending trial with a STIFF sentence!

  2. I read yesterday that the two attorneys who resigned ate now representing one of the 19 defendants being persecuted by Fani Willis. Don’t know if that’s fake news or what. Anybody else hear that?

  3. You mean the jump in Biden votes between 3am and 4am at over 3 time the voting machines capacity was not enough? Or the fact that Fulton and 11 other metro counties had over 100% voter turnout?

    The democrats have manipulated the last two elections in GA.

  4. 25 years ago “El Rusbo” too us plainly, factually, a and bravely, “BUSH REPUBLIcANS ARE DEMOCRATS!” ! !?”%^&*@!

    Left wingers Kemp and Raffy are BUSH REPUBLICANS!


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