“There’s no democracy in the European Parliament, it’s a joke!” – Former Czech President – IOTW Report

“There’s no democracy in the European Parliament, it’s a joke!” – Former Czech President

Václav Klaus, former President of the Czech Republic talks with Echo TV about the Central European Visegrad Group and the future of Europe. 

Voice of Europe: Klaus fears democracy “is gone” in Europe and he lashes out at the European Union and the gap between elitist governments and their citizens.

Around 6 minutes into the interview Klaus is asked: Do you think that there is a chance to talk frankly about the very serious issues that determine the future of Europe, which were also the subject of the conference?

The former President answers:

“Mass migration co-organized by the European political elite based on multiculturalism, is, in my opinion, the main threat to Europe, to European societies, and to European culture” and says after another question:

“The main problem is that the opinions of men of the street are quite different from the opinions of the political elite. There is a big gap between the two, and the lack of democracy in Europe and the European Union is striking.  MORE

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