‘There’s No Warning’: BBC Presenter Details ‘Vax Attacks’ – IOTW Report

‘There’s No Warning’: BBC Presenter Details ‘Vax Attacks’

Mercola: Headaches, fatigue, eye drooping and facial numbness — these are just some of the unpleasant side effects that BBC radio presenter Jules Serkin now struggles with after she got the AZ COVID jab in March 2021. She narrates how she reached out to AstraZeneca to get their reaction to these reported effects, but she only received confusing and conflicting responses.   MORE

4 Comments on ‘There’s No Warning’: BBC Presenter Details ‘Vax Attacks’

  1. Oh bullshit, there was plenty of warning by March of last year. If you had fucking paid attention to some of the alarm bells that were being raised, you might have had second thoughts.

    The reports now that are so numerous and downright evil should be putting an immediate stop to this poison. Instead “news” people like this woman continue to report that the vax is safe, that 25 year olds suffering sudden fatal heart attacks is normal, a 40% rise in the all cause of death stat is nothing to worry about and skyrocketing rare cancers is a conspiracy.

    One company’s poison was just approved for kids under 5! This country is going to be a GD freak show in another 20-30 years. By far most of the sane people will be under grass and millions of gender fluid, vaxxed up morons, eating fake meat and taking hormone blockers, who can’t change a fucking tire are going to be “the adults in the room”

    Good god


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