‘There’s nobody that’s telling me what I’m going to do with my life.’ – Kyrie Irving – IOTW Report

‘There’s nobody that’s telling me what I’m going to do with my life.’ – Kyrie Irving

The Nets’ @KyrieIrving: “The point of this season for me was never to just take a stand. It was really to make sure that I’m standing on what I believe in, in freedom … And there’s nobody that’s enslaving me, there’s nobody that’s telling me what I’m going to do with my life.” WATCH

21 Comments on ‘There’s nobody that’s telling me what I’m going to do with my life.’ – Kyrie Irving

  1. Perfect.

    And to all of you here that love to post “niggas being niggas” now maybe you will knock it off.

    Idiots being idiots is color blind.

    What he said is true, do you want to say it now?

    You people are the reason that our side gets tagged with the racist moniker, it doesn’t matter what the other side says, they will not be exposed for it.

    People, no matter what race with our beliefs, need to be welcomed, and posting things using derogatory terms helps nothing.

  2. @Hunter

    Maybe I missed something but since yours was the first comment, where are these “niggas being niggas” comments you are referring to? Or are you referencing comments from other posts which have absolutely nothing to do with this one?

    “You people are the reason that our side gets tagged with the racist moniker, it doesn’t matter what the other side says, they will not be exposed for it.”

    First off, it does not matter what we say since the other side goes to the race card by default. And why do you care what the “other side” thinks or says anyway? You know they hate us and would prefer we were either killed or jailed.

    I think it would be more impactful if you call out what you perceive as racist comments on the thread where they are made. Maybe it might provoke a dialog, maybe not, that’s the beauty of open and free blogs.

  3. Hunter

    I always get screwed by my own kind more than any other.
    (Italian descent Canadians)
    I really hate the Mobster type illiterate asshole wannabes.

  4. Well shit Rich, I was going to keep my mouth shut, but hey Hunter? Are you drunk. stoned or just WTF? Did you read the article? Dude, you just sounded like the biggest rube ever.

  5. Every time I hear “you’re just saying that because I’m black” in some form or colloquialism, I reply:

    “Look,’asshole’ knows no race or Creed.”

    Usually takes care of it

  6. Hunter, I welcome ALL races to our side but sadly they RARELY leave or even STRAY from the democrat plantation.

    BTW, when I call someone a nigger, I am being very specific to a cretinous individual who deserves the moniker.

    I use it sparingly.
    It is not used to disparage an entire race.
    Just like when I call YOU an asshole.
    I am not trying to disparage everyone in YOUR race.

    Only a foolish and failing race would let an individual insult not directed THEIR way, harm them in any way.

  7. @ Rich

    Referencing comments from many other posts.

    It helps nothing,and there is no reason for it.

    I will take what you and the rest want to throw at me, it’s fine. Just my thoughts.

  8. I’m not out to “throw” anything at you, Hunter.
    Please be specific regarding your complaint.
    Where have we simply dismissed ANY black person as being a “nigga” when he does the right thing?
    I’ll save you the time…NEVER.
    In fact, they get far more praise here because it is such a welcome refreshment.

  9. @ LocoBlancoSaltine MARCH 29, 2022 AT 11:40 PM

    From: Not That I GAS About Hollywood, But Will Smith Should Be Stripped Of His Oscar

    Badco MARCH 28, 2022 AT 9:51 AM

    Niggas being niggas…


    Not saying what Smith did was right, it wasn’t, and Rock should press charges. Just laying out where my thoughts came from.

  10. Hunter, thanks for providing an example but Will & Chris are two VERY wealthy black liberals who wouldn’t be caught dead doing anything considered conservative.

    I agree, Kyrie stood his ground and deserves praise for it.
    That said, I guarantee he will still vote and champion leftists, having not learned a damn thing.
    *I doubt he votes but likely his vote gets harvested by a dem mail in ballot.

    Also, both Will & Chris have said FAR WORSE things about white folk in movies and comedy routines.
    Do I have the right to bitch-slap them?
    No, but I reserve the right to call them niggas as I am, for now, a free American.

    Bottom line, it was a rich, entitled, pampered, black on black crime and Badco made a legit comment that was his opinion.

    We welcome all races here if you can deal with reality, that is all…

  11. Cunter, you stupid fuck, go back and read the original story. And then read what you originally posted. WHICH YOU GOT FOUR LIKES FOR. UNFUCKING BELEIVABLE. Try and keep up. Or just shut up.

  12. Brad, it’s cool.
    I don’t think Hunter was trying to piss us all off.

    The thing is, we need to tread lightly when praising celebrities & sports stars.
    On the rare occasion they do something good it won’t be long until they:
    – Bend to the woke mob
    – Trash conservatives

    Rinse & Repeat…

  13. Loco. Kyrie Irving is free fucking man. He fought the man and he won. And the man he fought was white. And what’s the first post? Niggas being niggas. It’s so sad it’s almost funny. And the mother fucker got four likes. Those four idiots should just cut their wrists and get it over with. They are that stupid. Guys like Kyrie Irving need to be made into role models. Not called stupid names.

  14. @Hunter March 29, 2022 at 9:54 pm

    > You people are the reason that our side gets tagged

    Accept the legitimacy of those that call you “enemy”, and you’ve already surrendered.

  15. If Cryme Irving really wanted to stand for freedom, he would refuse to play home games until the mandate was lifted for everyone.

    Once again the elite have shown that they’re special. If only the prog peons would learn that TPTB are great at lip service but all nonelite get the deplorable treatment.

  16. And to all of you here that love to post “niggas being niggas” now maybe you will knock it off.

    I dunno, as long as chimp-out videos, muggings, shoot outs, BLM, on and on are displayed daily, what’s there to knock off? Only address white crime? Then we can continue to call them whiggers. Does that offend you? Not me. If you’re easily offended, move away, my sarcasm has no boundaries.


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