There’s Nothing on TV! – IOTW Report

There’s Nothing on TV!

Despite hundreds of channels and choices, viewers are dissatisfied, restless, and ready to bail


Americans spend a lot of time changing channels on their televisions because they can’t seem to find shows they like. That’s according to a recent study by Ericsson ConsumerLab’s TV and Media 2016. But you probably know this already from your own household.

The study found TV viewers spend 23 minutes a week just changing channels and looking through their television guide menu. It found 44 percent complained there is nothing worth watching — and that Americans are watching less cable TV and getting more entertainment from the internet.

It’s a revolution. It likely had significant impact on the presidential election. And TV is just now getting the word. We don’t wait by a phone at home for a big call, and we don’t depend on the TV on our wall for all we watch. Younger Americans are even more prone to this, with 40 percent saying they watch YouTube daily. Viewing on mobile devices is up 85 percent.

Moreover, TV content is expensive; the internet it almost free.

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33 Comments on There’s Nothing on TV!

  1. Spot on. One or two programs make it onto this screen. The MSN is non existent. The tv is off. It’s CDs, books, and internet.
    And who misses the flood of advertising?! Ah, peace at last.

  2. I borrow DVDs from our library system a lot. Right now I’m watching Longmire Season 4. I also like the BBC murder mystery stuff like Midsommer Murders, Morse, Inspector Lewis, Mrs. Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, etc., and I have also enjoyed going back and watching old series from the 70s, 80s, and 90s (it’s been so long since I’ve seen them, it’s like watching them new all over again before everything was so ridiculous and PC).

  3. my thought is that we have run out of things to show, no one can create something new and different

    the television shows this, as do the movies that no longer catch our interest

    old movies still draw me in, the newer stuff seems like a desperate plea for attention

    same with music, has gone downhill, i see that the younger generation is listening to old music, where we peaked, but not to the current crap

    relax, it’s all part of the end times

  4. BFH got me hooked on Impractical Jokers. (thanks a lot. sheesh.)
    I watch the science channel stuff, up until I hear a jackass theorist start pushing global warming, then I shut it off. And a few crime documentary shows now and then. Mostly I’m here or playing Angry Birds. lol

  5. I think venues like Hulu and Netflix are starting to create their own series and a lot of people like those, so they watch stuff there rather than the old networks who have lost touch with their audiences. Starr network is a newer cable network, or you can watch it on your computer that is getting pretty popular – especially with their Outlander series.

  6. We get cable, at least 50% of the time you are watching commercials. I don’t watch TV anymore except for things the wife has recorded, we high speed through commercials. Most of the “news” is pure fertilizier.

  7. The media has learned nothing from the election, if anything they are doubling down on the tripe they fling. Look who owns the these nozzles……if you pay for cable or sat tv you are financing the crap they sling. Cancel it, hit them where it hurts, they’ll change or fade away. There are way too many good channels on broadcast for free. Laff, Grit, Metv, etc.

  8. Dropped Dish over 3 years ago. We get digital signals which offer a few channels. One in particular airs old, low budget sci-fi and other movies which I’m a huge fan of. Another airs older series; last night I watched Merv Griffin who had on a great lineup of Motown performers. Great stuff. After that it was Sonny and Cher. I commented to my wife that I had forgotten how attractive she was then.

  9. We cut the cable several years ago when I realized that TV was costing us $1200 a year. Bought a Roku and haven’t looked back. Netflix is about 95%, then Amazon, then Hulu. I also have an antenna where I can get 2 out of 4 Cleveland network stations. If it’s an important sports event and I can’t get it, there are plenty of bars ready to serve me Jack & Coke while I watch their TV lol.

  10. MJA

    Firefly is great. Very underrated show. There is one episode, towards the end, that was a throwaway. Other than that, the concept was very cool. Wild west sci-fi.

    The movie was……….okay. Worth a one time watch.

  11. I have Direct TV so I usually watch shows I’ve already seen…like right now I’m watching STAR WARS. I don’t like to watch anything NEW or FIRST RUN because since we do have Direct TV if we even have so much as a humming bird piss on the satellite dish we loose the signal. After the first of the year they poll be sucking it.

  12. We switched from expensive cable to not cheap but reasonable DirecTV, and we’re thinking of dropping that. It has been years since we’ve browsed paper or online TV guide except when my bro-in-law is visiting and then I filter to “sports” and he’s happy – and nobody else watches!

    Mrs. Uncle and I almost exclusively watch movies on Netflix or Amazon Prime Video, and then we’ll get hooked on some series and binge watch all of it, or at least all that’s available. E.g. Breaking Bad was great when streamed when we wanted, as much as we wanted.

    Upshot: I’ll be glad to pay a modest amount for advertisement-free streaming content. We already do for Netflix and to a certain extent Amazon (because we make use of the other Prime goodies).

    Question: does anybody know of a pay service with most/all NHL games? How about NFL? (NHL is for us, NFL for in-laws)

  13. cut the cable cord seven years ago.
    like gladys, i rent from the public library. free for a week. watched the entire 24 show in one sitting with friends. intense!
    on amazon, watched bosch, man in the high castle, both made by amazon. good stuff.
    for sports, hit a local pub.

    Cable be gone!

  14. I read. I surf iOTWreport. I check Twitter and Gab occasionally. Listen to music (Alan Parson right now) on Youtube while surfing.

    TV is on maybe 1 hour or less, usually science, history, and some ION, BBC America and Oldies TV (Andy Griffith, etc). Never watch broadcast TV. I want to dump cable, but my roommate has TV on for background. I should just dump it anyway. Oh, well. When we move next year, I think I can make her pay for cable.

  15. I’m watching The Adventures of Merlin, produced by BBC on Netflix. Great cast.Fun show, Merlin is a excellent actor. Most of the programming on the alphabet networks is insulting. ION has some good shows and some of the oldies tv channels run some good stuff.

  16. I made an HDTV antenna from coat hangers years ago and haven’t paid a nickle for tv programming since. I get about 23 channels for free. Out of those, I watch 3 or 4; Grit, local channel 11 news, and VTN.

    Lightning took out my tv and Roku box a few months ago. That makes 3 tvs taken out by lightning. This new one is an LED tv. I have a kilowatt meter hooked to it and it says it’s costing me about $0.90 per month. The power going to this one is ran through two surge protectors.

    I don’t get netflix anymore, so I watch a lot of stuff on utube. I hate that I have to use that now that google owns it. There are a few good movies on utube. Check out “The Last Trapper” video if you like survival/DIY type shows.

  17. I use an HDTV antenna and have never had cable. I refuse to pay for crap. We usually get 42+ stations if conditions are perfect, (they rarely are).
    The problem is MORE THAN HALF are spanish!!!!
    Then there’s asian, Russian (no kidding), hmong, vietnamese, chinese and india indian. Take out duplicate programs on different stations and we get maybe 8 watchable that mostly have NOTHING worth watching!
    99% of what the media puts out is juvenile, unoriginal, left wing, indoctrinating, culture attacking propagandist b/s!
    We used to watch Tim Allen. Now we watch nothing but dvds selected from amazon.

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