There’s Something About Gary – IOTW Report

There’s Something About Gary

Gary lives in California…

He was sick of the world, of Covid-19, Trump, Russian belligerence, China, global warming, racial tensions, and the rest of the disturbing stories that occupy media headlines.

Gary drove his car into his garage and then sealed every doorway and window as best he could.  He got back into his car and wound down all the windows, selected his favorite radio station, started the car and revved it to a slow idle.

Two days later, a worried neighbor peered through his garage window and saw him in the car.  She notified the emergency services and they broke in, pulling Gary from the car.

Two days later, a worried neighbor peered through his garage window and saw him in the car.  She notified the emergency services and they broke in, pulling Gary from the car.

Gary is a registered California Democrat.

h/t Doc.

36 Comments on There’s Something About Gary

  1. So two days later the neighbor called emergency services. Then two days after that she looked in the window again and he was still there so she called emergency services AGAIN? Were they defunded?

  2. As far as I’m concerned, he mad a better choice than moving to a red state and bringing his democrat ideas with him.

    Hopefully he realized he had lived a lie.

    I’m sure his family is hurting, but he and his like have been making way more families hurt for years. I don’t wish them comfort.

    More please.

  3. But he forgot the open attic access door in his garage ceiling which continuously vented much of the toxic gas. For what it’s worth, Gary’s car did run out of gas, but he lived, and now, Gary is a mostly brain-dead ward of the state in a nursing home with COVID patients.

  4. How would you like to have to call digline every time you wanted to planted a tomatoe? California farmers must do that. How do people live in that fucked up state? Brad??? Anybody???

  5. …I honestly can’t tell if this is meant to be serious or not. I notice Gary is described in the present tense, e.g. “Gary LIVES in California” and “Gary IS a registered California Democrat.” (emphasis added), but two days is kind of a long time to sit in a car alone in a garage, electric or not.

    …if it IS serious, Ollie Hominin at 8:24 PM is likely right that he’s a brain dead, breathing piece of warm, inanimate flesh. It’s not that easy to ensure lethality in a permeable environment, especially since modern cars are considerably less toxic than their predecessors, and Gary’s CA garage probably reflects Gary’s Democrat maintenance and isn’t that tightly sealed.

    But FWIW, if he’s already a Democrat, he was already halfway brain dead, the only difference now would be he’s not NEARLY as annoying NOW as he was BEFORE…

  6. So poor Gary ended up as a vegetable in a state run facility for the mentally retarded and the mentally disabled. I worked in such a place in the late 90’s and it’s a fate worse than death now that he’s permanently gorked himself. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, he’d have been better off if he had killed himself. Now he’s amongst the living dead being taken care of by the state.

  7. I thought that since they did the catalytic converters that no longer worked and only made you sick not dead.

    Hey SNS you should be well versed enough to answer this one…

    And yes a full article/link would be nice.

  8. Gary’s last act was to flaunt his cisgender normative white privilege.

    Gary had a house, a car, a garage, mortgage payments. All this implies a job.

    What a racist.

    And who found him? A nosey neighbor. This whole story screams first world imaginary problems.

  9. Not to rain on the parade (alright, it’s a downpour!): There are a LOT of Gary’s and their girlfriends, wives, children, cousins, neighbors and friends out there right now who are “tired” and seeking answers. It’s time for the body of Christ to step up and out to meet these lost sheep. We are the remnant who was born specifically for this time and specifically for this task.

    Keep praying for God’s guidance in these matters.

  10. Thanks AA for the reminder. I lost a friend in 1997 who gorked himself permanently in a motorcycle accident who struck the pavement with his head while not wearing a helmet and has been permanently disabled since then. A lot of my friends from our church took care of him and prayed for him for awhile and visited him often while he was in a coma. Fortunately for him his wife still takes care of him but he has the mental capacity of a small child. I warned him about his recklessness before he crashed because I had a very vivid dream about him one night that scared the hell out of me, I saw him jumping off of a bridge into oblivion and it woke up my wife because I was screaming about that dream and what happened. He was a very good Christian friend of my wife and I but his reckless past caught up with him.

  11. Geoff the Aardvark — I’m so sorry about this guy. What a terrible thing to happen.

    I’ve been praying for over two years for a reformation of the Christian church in the U.S. and I am so excited about what is happening here and around the world. There’s one minister in CA who started his own revival tour a while back. In the first one (Fresno?), he said there were 3 local ministers who stepped up and helped get the word out. At the second one he said something like 30 local churches helped out, the third one jumped to over 100. Last night I heard him report on the Victory channel (the program is Flashpoint), that the one coming up has over 1000 local ministers participating! It’s so big, he said, that he’s still shaking in fear of the awsomeness of God’s power to set him on this path and then deliver not only the local churches, but the thousands of non-Christians who are seeking answers and salvation. And this is happening the world over!

  12. @AbigailAdams, I gave up trying to warn people about the experimental biological weapon and the covid BS and would just drop the Gospel in comment sections. Now I can’t comment at all on theirtube. I still can on my phone, something to do with the IP I guess. Fascist b#@^*^@!. Dumped zuckbook after they “fact checked” and removed my posts. I am exploring GAB for now. It’s gettin’ real, peeps. I will NOT take the jab. I will die on that hill. Not changing the DNA God gave me.

  13. Toenex
    No shit. SNS, a gallon of gas in an internal combustion machine always creates the same amount of carbon monoxide no matter what you attach to the tail pipe. WTF?

  14. …for Anymouse and Toenax on the reduced lethality of modern car exhaust…

    “… The restriction of the availability of lethal methods is another widely discussed approach to suicide prevention. The detoxification of domestic gas [6], legislation and regulatory measures reducing the availability of firearms [1,35,10,4] and the introduction of catalytic converters (albeit introduced for environmental reasons, reducing suicide by vehicle exhaust asphyxiation) [2,26,44,33] are examples of restricting the availability of lethal methods. In the 1980s and 1990s, the introduction in Switzerland of catalytic converters and the launch of SSRI that replaced the more toxic tricyclic antidepressants were measures which influenced the availability of suicide methods. …”

    …not saying you can’t do it, because you absolutely CAN. You can kill a house full of people by idling a car in a basement garage, since houses are generally pretty well sealed these days and carbon monoxide binds to hemoglobin more readily than oxygen does, which is why hyperbaric therapies are necessary for high nonlethal exposure. Just saying that, as the article says, there are faster and more sure ways to do it if you’re SERIOUS about leaving us, but killing PART of your brain is easier than shutting the whole works down for good, if you chicken out or are discovered too early…

    …I won’t get into what DOES work because there ARE ways to make it more deadly that I know as both a rescuer and a former car mechanic, but I don’t want to give anyone any ideas. Suffice to say that the loose gases in the garage thing has a lot of mixture and titration issues and there’s ways to reduce those variables and make the body more likely 5o fail before the car does, but it’s more work so less likely. Remember too that the suicides of all sorts I saw were the FAILED suicides, because there’s no earthy reason for an ambulance at a SUCCESSFUL one other than to verify it, as an ambulance is not a hearse, so most of what I saw were the half-assed attempts that wanted to be found alive.

    THIS sums it up nicely…

    “Results: Factors common to the majority of subjects included male gender, age group of 20-50 years, and alcohol abuse. Relationship discord was the most common precipitating factor. Reasons given for choice of this method included the availability and accessibility of motor vehicles, painlessness, awareness that the method was lethal, knowledge of another person’s successful suicide by this method and awareness of the method through media portrayal. Most of the cars used did not have engines fitted with catalytic converters, substantially increasing the risk of toxicity. Regret of the attempt, denial of further suicidal ideation after the event, and the absence of a suicide note were common findings. Most denied excessive time spent planning. The most common diagnosis in this group was adjustment disorder with depressed mood. Suicide intent scores were not high, inconsistent with the majority of patients being aware of the lethality of the method.”

    …”Most denied excessive time spent planning.”


    …but I’ll leave it with this…

    “Death by Carbon Monoxide (Car exhaust fumes)
    A Craccum reporter related this story about one of the supposedly least painful ways to kill yourself :
    “When an acquaintance of mine killed himself using exhaust fumes, he became so disfigured the police wouldn’t allow his family in to see the body. All of the capillaries in his face burst, his eyeballs popped and his tongue was so badly swollen that it protruded from his mouth and held his jaw in a totally unnatural position.”

    …”Suicide Is Painless” indeed…NOT…

  15. Brad (and Toenax)
    MARCH 4, 2021 AT 11:33 PM
    “No shit. SNS, a gallon of gas in an internal combustion machine always creates the same amount of carbon monoxide no matter what you attach to the tail pipe.”

    ..not so, if you have a catalytic converter in good working order.

    “A catalytic converter is a simple device that uses basic redox reactions to reduce the pollutants a car makes. It converts around 98% of the harmful fumes produced by a car engine into less harmful gases.”

    “A three-way catalytic converter has three simultaneous functions:

    Reduction of nitrogen oxides into elemental nitrogen and oxygen:
    Oxidation of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide:
    Oxidation of hydrocarbons into carbon dioxide and water:

    …this doesn’t make it “safe”, but it DOES make it LESS lethal and easier to diffuse if the seal on the area isn’t as tight as you think, plus being converted to CO2 and N2, while not breathable, they do NOT bind to your hemoglobin, so it ALSO makes it MUCH more likely your meat sack can be “rescued” after the anoxia kills part of your brain because hyperbaric therapies are not necessarily immediately needed to sustain physical life.

    …I had a longer comment yesterday with medical citations, but it got killed in moderation plus you said you don’t read more than a paragraph anyway, so I’m too tired to try to revise that one to work…

  16. Anymouse
    MARCH 5, 2021 AT 9:02 AM

    …thanks. I finally found this too, which isn’t STRICTLY true, but I still like it…

    “What comes out the tailpipes of new cars is practically breathable. In recent testing in London, it was determined that the exhaust from the Saab 9000 was actually cleaner than the air it took in. How sad for the Wall Street punter trying to kill himself by running his Saab in a locked garage. The night wears on; he’s out of cigarettes; the suicide note keeps getting longer; his wife is banging on the overhead door. “Honey, are you dead yet? The kids have to go to school.”
    -P.J. O’Rourke, “Die, Eco Weenies!”

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