There’s too much collusion, I can’t get no relief – IOTW Report

There’s too much collusion, I can’t get no relief

Patriot Retort: For a year now they’ve been looking to prove collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.

And what have they found?

What have they found?


Meanwhile, the real collusion is staring us right in the face – day after day, week after week.


Collusion between leakers and the press, the Obama Justice Department and the press, the Ukraine and the Clinton campaign, the DOJ and the Clinton campaign, the press and the Clinton campaign – there’s too much collusion to list.

When I heard the report that the FBI and Justice Department were working with reporters to cover up and “spin” the tarmac meeting between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton, I didn’t know whether to scream or to just shake my head in growing disgust.

It’s all too much.

But what is the media focused on?


Well of course they are. Because the media is a part of the collusion.

For eight years they worked to quash any Obama scandal. And they did the same for Hillary during last year’s campaign.

The information that the American Center for Law and Justice received makes it crystal clear that the news media wanted to bury this tarmac meeting in much the same way they buried the IRS Scandal, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Obama’s targeting journalists – the list goes on.

There is collusion.

7 Comments on There’s too much collusion, I can’t get no relief

  1. I get better info off of Above Top Secret than I do the media.

    I’m not violent either, I’ll smile and shoot them in the face also like Brad.

    I’ve got a 10″ peaceful screwdriver in my desk at work. You never know when you might need to puncture a throat.

  2. Yep. And then to have the califorication confirmed by voter/vote tallies in (only?) 11 counties in the left coast nightmare to normal people place.

    I have no doubt that people like Nancy Pelosi wake up every morning with the satisfaction that they have done everything they can to ensure my vote and patriotism don’t matter any more.

    What can we do…support our President and turn off TV would be a good place to start.

  3. Part of the plan is to overwhelm us to cause maximum confusion. They’re close. Nothing matters to these scum but control. They won’t stop until their hands are wrapped tightly around our throats. There is only one way to deal with them and it looks like that’s close too.

  4. @organgrinder August 7, 2017 at 7:00 am

    > There is only one way to deal with them and it looks like that’s close too.

    I’m so glad to see that people believe that.

    If everybody looked at the way things are, and looked at the way things were, and some thought that nothing would better, well, they might, actually, do things differently. Unless somebody else might be thinking about doing things differently. Then the ever disgruntled peasants can just do Their™ work, again. Pay Their™ taxes, like a Free Citizen™ should, for Freedom™!, again. Pay the interest on Their™ bills, like a Self Sufficient Person™ should, for Equality™!, again. Pay the rent on Their™ homes, like a Respected Community Member™ should, for Community™!, again. And keep training for The Day™ that someone tells them Who The Real Monster Is™, to be An Hero™, finally.

    Can you smell that? Smells like change is in the air. Who could have let that waft around? Instead of tamping it into an engine of destruction. Guess that means I can go to sleep, again. Dream exotic dreams, again. Safe in the knowledge that I am surrounded by Free Citizens™, working hard, ever watchful, in the lotus perfume of the Change™ in the air.

    Life’s Good™.

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