There’s your basket of deplorables, Hillary – IOTW Report

There’s your basket of deplorables, Hillary

Vandals Destroy 9/11 Memorial on College Campus.

[FoxNews] A 9/11 memorial was vandalized at Los Angeles’ Occidental College on theĀ 15th anniversary of the terror attack.

On Saturday night, 2,997 American flags were placed in the college’s quad by the Occidental College Republican Club, one for each of the victims who died 15 years ago.

“At midnight early this morning, vandals crushed, snapped, and threw in the garbage every single flag. Not one was left in the ground. Not only did they destroy the memorial, they put posters and flyers up that shamed the victims of 9/11,” the student organization wrote on Facebook.

h/t UDD and Llama Disco

12 Comments on There’s your basket of deplorables, Hillary

  1. They don’t even care anymore.
    What really bothers me is people I consider friends, who just keep saying LALALALALALATrumpIsEvilHillaryIsWonderfulLALALALALA while refusing to consider anything, anything at all that might suggest otherwise.

  2. 2091…
    One day long ago all the lawyers caught a coughing virus and died out just like the dinosaurs.
    Like a divine wind, the virus swept through the ranks, taking, by odd chance only the most corrupt and vile. ‘Hilarious Pestus’ removed a link in the chain that has allowed by threat of lawsuit to wussify the entire populous.
    Soon after, respect for the Flag in public soared to new heights, propelled by the propensity of Veterans to kick the living shit out of assholes who sat down during important Patriotic ceremonies.

  3. Lots of NY liberals died that day, too.

    This point is totally lost on the living libtards.
    A memorial in their honor is now an affront to our
    sharia-leftist useful idiots.

    Civil war is imminent. I don’t wish for it. But it must happen. We can no longer live as a house divided.

  4. I am so sick and tired of ignorant people disrespecting the flag, the anthem, and anything else that stands for this country so many people fought and died for. It’s just like STOLEN VALOR, and there really should be a law against it.

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