These Are The Hottest (And Coldest) Temperatures Ever Recorded In America – IOTW Report

These Are The Hottest (And Coldest) Temperatures Ever Recorded In America

Zero Hedge

The United States has experienced severe heat waves this summer, breaking daily temperature records and causing dangerous consequences like wildfires nationwide.

This graphic, via Visual Capitalist’s Bruno Venditti, shows the hottest and coldest temperatures ever recorded in the United States. MORE

18 Comments on These Are The Hottest (And Coldest) Temperatures Ever Recorded In America

  1. It all depends on where these measurements are taken. Beginning during the Global Warming hoax, many of the weather stations were moved from fields, grassy prairies, etc to buildings next to heat vents, airport tarmacs, and other locations that are 10-20 degrees hotter than the surrounding areas.

    No wonder their “data” shows the ‘earth’ is warming.

  2. The Earth has gone thru many warming and cooling cycles long before Man started burning coal and oil…
    or even the discovery of baked beans and Mexican beer for that matter!

  3. Currently there is 29 active volcanoes around the world, and yet cows farts are the problem.
    How about a chart of private jet emissions vs. cow farts.

  4. The duped who believe that the government can somehow “stop climate change” are a reflection of public school propaganda education. As we all know , the climate will never stop changing one way or another, no matter how many ceiling fans, washer dryers, gas stoves etc, etc are outlawed and how much various government agencies collect in bogus carbon taxes. No, the science is far from settled. Unfortunately, the supply of useful idiots is enormous.

  5. Instead of comparing cow assholes to jet assholes, first it needs to be proven that cow emissions are indeed harmful or even significant!

    Then consider a couple of numbers. Cow emissions around the globe amount to 80millions tons per year which divided by 365 amounts to 0.2 mil per day. Compare that to 5.5 Quadrillion tons of air on the earth EVERY DAY! It don’t change kids! Now tell me that is significant!

  6. 1913-1971 american expert class were a viable group. todays american expert class is extinct. i doubt they can agree on how to read a thermometer. media, science, medicine, technology, military… is all compromised by non-science. stay away, stay alive.

  7. The alarmists will tell us that periodic temp spikes (either +/-) are outliers to be ignored. It’s only *their* data (collected from numerous compromised locations by compromised “scientists”) that should be considered.

  8. No bugs for me ever, I’m strictly a meat and potatoes guy. I eat plenty of fruits and vegetables too but no green peas (I’ve hated peas since I was a little kid), slima beans, brussels sprouts, mushrooms. And definitely no baloots, snails, eels and I’m not a big fan of raw oysters either and lutefisk forget it, it would be like eating fish snot.

  9. This is how stupid they are. A week or so ago and it was 103 people were claiming it had never been that hot. Storm moved through on the 4th and again yesterday and the temps are in the 80’s, well now according to people it’s never been this cool and both are caused by climate change.
    By the end of the week when it’s back in triple digits like July and August always is they’ll be back to screaming about it.

  10. The hottest I can remember is while inspecting an asphalt paving job in 110 degree heat, back in the late 1970s. I felt bad for the guys actually doing the work.

  11. The chart left out the coldest temperature ever recorded in the US, today in DC: Hilary Clinton’s heart, at a bone-chilling, teeth-rattling minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

    So cold that all Bill C. had to do to chill a can of beer was hold it to her chest for 5 seconds.


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