These Biden Voters Regret Their 2020 Choice 18 Months Into Presidency – IOTW Report

These Biden Voters Regret Their 2020 Choice 18 Months Into Presidency

FOX: Three people – a Black man, a trans woman and a homeless mother – all regret voting for Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election, each with unique reasoning.

“I feel like I’ve been lied to by the media telling us Biden is the answer to all the country’s problems,” Mikaela Stekly told Fox News. “That’s what I saw him as when I voted for him.”

“And they made [former President] Trump kind of the bad guy in the media, but things were a lot better when he was president,” Stekly, a homeless single mother who blamed the president for her financial struggles, continued.

A Black father of three and lifelong Democrat, meanwhile, said his party has broken its promises to help the Black community. And a trans woman told Fox News she soured on Biden a few months into his term after determining that he embraced a Marxist agenda opposed to freedom. MORE

11 Comments on These Biden Voters Regret Their 2020 Choice 18 Months Into Presidency

  1. They are either kinda slow on the uptake or we’re absolutely fine with his graft and corruption so long as they thought he was stealing from others and passing their share onto them. My inclination is both, they are not that smart and they are just figuring out that there is no honor among liars, brigands and cut throats. Fuck me, they made their bed. My sympathies are with others who are suffering through no fault of their own and due to people like these morons.

  2. I don’t give a flying f@&$ if they’re sorry. They voted for this crap and should have to suffer the consequences. I, on the other hand, did not vote for this but their stupidity is dragging me down. F$&@ them and their ilk.

  3. Wauco,

    That is EXACTLY how I feel.

    I repeated many times that the election of Biden would lead to BLOOD in the DESERT.
    FUCK was I WRONG!
    Europe is suffering Farmer’s strikes – justly so.
    There is blood in the deserts (isis & the like unreported)
    Ukraine ( fuck both sides)
    Ther is Blood Everywhere, with more on the way as shit-holes de-stabilise with a weakened America.

    North America sitting on BILLIONS of barrels of OIL & is suffering fuel shortages, food inflation, and a actual recession NOW.

    Fuck anyone who was “tricked” into voting for these assholes since ultimately, THEY INSULTED & FOUGHT WITH US while we actually tried to wake them up WITHOUT VIOLENCE. Ditto for Canuckistan & Turdette.

    They deserve their fate!

    Cheers, I’m covered.

  4. No excuses. One has to be pretty stupid to believe Biden was a good choice. Democrat voters are ignorant assholes. They dug this grave. Fuck them. I hope they suffer. Do us all a favor and stop voting for a couple decades so we can clean this mess up.

  5. Send them to the Asparagus Farms in northern Saskatchewan to work out their angst.

    Too fuckin dumb to live – too fuckin dumb to vote.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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