These Broke Asses Keep Finding Money To Send To Ukraine – IOTW Report

These Broke Asses Keep Finding Money To Send To Ukraine

Greece announced the US intention to purchase ammunition for Ukraine for $47 million.

IZ: The United States is going to purchase ammunition from Greece to send to Ukraine . This was reported by the Greek publication Ekathimerini on Tuesday, November 28.

“The United States is discussing with Greece the sale of a total of 75 thousand artillery shells from the stocks of the Greek armed forces as part of the replenishment of Ukrainian ammunition,” the material says.

According to the publication, Washington plans to purchase 50 thousand 105 mm shells, 20 thousand 155 mm shells and 5 thousand larger 203 mm shells. A source told reporters that negotiations are at the final stage.

The total cost of all ammunition will be about $47 million. more

9 Comments on These Broke Asses Keep Finding Money To Send To Ukraine

  1. Don’t worry, my shitbag RINO Congressman ON THE JOB. He’s got a way to mAkE PuTiN pAy…

    “A Republican congressman has a novel idea for recouping some of the Ukraine costs by getting Russia to pay the bill. Rep. Rich McCormick (R-GA) introduced the “Make Putin Pay” Act on Wednesday that would allow the U.S. to use frozen Russian assets to reimburse itself for aid to Ukraine.”

    …and so far, he’s got no challengers from the right in 2024. The Uniparty rolls on.

  2. A reminder that SCOTUS has ruled 9-0 against Biden and 0bama administrations many times – which the administration then ignores. Did that ever happen with Trump? I don’t see any articles.
    As long as the administration controls the money printers, it sends money whichever way it chooses.

  3. Thirdtwin, if we were stupid and corrupt enough to do that that would only speed up the process of the dollar losing its reserve currency status. The TRAITOROUS BASTARDS in our government must be getting paid off in gold because before long paper currency will be useless.

  4. Peculiarly, no matter how dire the financial situation, there is ALWAYS money for whatever pet project is in the dimly lit minds of the owners bought and paid for representatives. The methods of diverting that necessary money may be arcane, even garishly formulaic and incomprehensible to the deplorables but the money always arrives if they want it.

    It’s getting so the squawking about funding this and or that isn’t really even believable any more. Just print it up or click it into existence and carry on with the charade, but for the love of all that is holy, shut up about it already, they’re like dogs barking at a passing train.

  5. Joe6pak, the Global South is closely watching all the underhanded shit we pull to keep vassal nations in thrall to the “International Rules-Based Order”, and to try and break Russia. If a better alternative to Western hegemony develops—and it is happening—we, and our dirty dollar, are toast.

    Not immediately, of course. As Adam Smith said, There is a great deal of ruin in a nation.” But we are plowing through our inheritance like there’s no tomorrow, so we’d best be ready for the worst, sooner.


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