These pants are great for battling the ‘Meat Sweats’ – IOTW Report

These pants are great for battling the ‘Meat Sweats’

h/t Unashamed Domestic Dame.

6 Comments on These pants are great for battling the ‘Meat Sweats’

  1. I sometimes think about putting a blow-up kiddie pool in the dining room, and just tossing in the turkey (sliced), dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, yams, green beans, cranberry relish, and pumpkin and apple pies and just let everyone strip naked and roll around in it.

    But no whipped cream. That would be kinky.
    Wouldn’t want any kink on Thanksgiving.

  2. My brother and I were talking about this type of option at dinner today. He didn’t cook for the first time in years. We went to a fantastic buffet at Crandall’s in Hebron IL. Man-ternity pants and a no tuck shirt or maternity pants and a tunic blouse. We could be very comfy while looking good. Ha!

  3. @Ramona – There is one thing that the Arabs have right: caftans and other loose-fitting clothes and robes. Not only would a caftan not constrict an expanding belly, there’s room under there for a few pockets and a supply of zip-loc bags for sneaking stuff from the buffet for later!


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