These particular illegals should be deported by rocket, into the Sun – IOTW Report

These particular illegals should be deported by rocket, into the Sun

This list includes rape, pimping and kidnapping, and underage pornography.
F#cking animals!
Oh yeah, and they’re also f#cking animals.


Sergio Jose Martinez, 31, was arrested Monday night on charges including robbery, burglary, kidnapping and sex abuse involving two victims.

Police said Martinez was armed with a knife and assaulted a woman in the basement parking garage of a building on the 2100 block of Northeast Halsey Street at around 7 p.m. Monday.

Martinez ran away when officers arrived. Police chased him through the neighborhood before he was caught after breaking into a nearby apartment.

Detectives then connected Martinez to another assault that occurred Monday morning several blocks away. [More at the link]


The charges he pleaded guilty to include pimping, pandering, human trafficking of a minor, forcible rape, sodomy of a minor, pimping a minor, furnishing a controlled substance to a minor and possessing a firearm by a felon.  [More at link]



Arizmendi allegedly admitted he had downloaded an app and joined a group that sent him pornographic videos and pictures. He claimed he had deleted the app and the group, but said the group had added him back under a different phone number.



19 Comments on These particular illegals should be deported by rocket, into the Sun

  1. There’s an old joke here in the south that should apply here.

    There are cases involving some people where “that rotten SOB NEEDED killin'” can be used as a positive defense and will be rightfully ruled as a “justifiable homicide”.

  2. Live Pay Per View : They Start Running Barefoot From HWY 8, in the Desert and Have the Border as a Finish Line (unless finished earlier ).
    We Have Border Patrols “Contest Winners ” Try to Shoot them With our New Laser Guns, The Alligator Moat get’s the Rest !!!

  3. Bad_Brad,
    Nice sentiment. But I prefer “rope, tree, illegal, some assembly required”. You can then leave the body hanging for public display and a reminder to all other illegals.

  4. Well, they come here for LOVE, after all …

    Thanks, CHEB! you vile, worthless, piece of shit.
    The rich fat honkys who allow this piss me off as much as the maggot illegal-alien-invading rat-people who, after all is said and done, are merely following their own nature.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Anyone who rapes a child, including a teenager, should pay dearly. Life in jail, or, if the criminals prefer, Brad’s sentence.

    As for the adult victims of rape by illegal alien criminals…I’m probably going to hell for even thinking this…but may they all be Democrats who love their sanctuary cities and the illegals they harbor. Let them suffer the consequences of their own crimes.

    And may the Lord protect and defend the conservatives who fight against these law breakers. And may I also be forgiven for wishing ill upon Democrats. It isn’t nice. But it’s how I feel. Can’t help it.

  6. A nice tight rubber band applied to the scrotum while in a strait jacket would take time but would work well, as it does on calves. A month or so and voila’–ball’s fall off!!!

  7. They needs to learn survival swimming! Gitmo has a bay perfect for instruction, the sharks are always in need of food. Drop them off three miles from shore. The problem will be handled ecologically, everything is cleaned up!

  8. You only get one deportation. Come back and get caught – bullet to the face. No exceptions including women and children. If you love your kids, don’t bring them here illegally. Sounds cold but is it really? You don’t “accidentally” invade another country TWICE.

    Not sorry – I don’t give one s#it about any of them. They sure as hell don’t give a sh#t about us. Come here legally, become a citizen, integrate into our society, and I’ll stand beside you like any other American, but I owe nothing to an invading criminal and his spawn.

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