THESE PEOPLE ARE A JOKE. A staggering 23 pathetic democrat senators just used the same script and clips word-for-word in a Trump-bashing video. They still haven’t realized why they lost the election.

Why do I think this was a setup by a James O’Keefe plant?
I’d be interested in who wrote the talking points.
You think they’re bad, you should read what some of their supporters are writing. First off, I’ve never been exposed to just out right crazy lunatic lefties like the ones you find on Reddit. But dang, they are freaken off the charts nuts. And a lot of fun to screw with. It’s become like a new sport. Yesterday I get this, “Something that might interest you” post on my feed. And some moron is asking if he can find support for an armed rebellion and how they organize such a thing because he just can’t take it any longer. Well that quicly morphed into we should only be violent if they force us to, because they’re so scary, and then they decided it was a full blown Revolution. I waited until they had about 100 idiots post on the thread and then I posted, “Sorry to inform you morons but the Revolution was last November. And you lost”. Oh my God I’m not sure how many deaths I’m responsible for. But I could hear heads exploding from my office. There’s some amazingly STOOOOPID people out there.
23 trash criminals
All the Leftists know how to do is PARROT each other since they don’t have an actual thought between them, except for the occasional one from Fetterman.
Maybe they are all having AI do their work for them since all the vids are almost completely alike.
if trash pandas wore suits…
Elon’s offering a cyber truck to anyone who can I.D. the person that wrote this script.
The average IQ of those 23 is about 70.
^^^^ Average or combined? I see Corey Booker there. He’s at about negative 47 himself.
useless ****** assholes
And the hand gestures were apparently indicated in the script, too. (Just like Biden’s action prompts were written into HIS notes.)
Job security for the progressive ghost mime.
It sounds like brainiac Cory Booker was behind this masterpiece. CodeMonkey2 might have come in 1st for the cybertruck.
maybe prepping for a review on bet/ass-hole train. they can use america’s newest & dumbest negro j. crockett to front it all
The Redditors are just getting all worked up pretending to be tough while they wait for mommy to cut the crust off their sandwiches and bring them into the basement.
Don’t they say “if you say it enough you begin to believe it?”
Same thing with more than 2 genders = denial of reality…
Hopefully they are living one of my favorite Harry Chapin songs…”Dance Band on the Titanic.”
So much for the “democracy” they keep yakking about.
If they want to take part in a “democracy”, then show up to the SOTU address and make your opinion known to your constituents after the event. Not showing up is not any kind of “democracy” that I’ve ever heard of.
This is par for the course for Demon-crats. In past years, they have vacated state legislatures and gone en masse to neighboring states to avoid either Yay, Nay, or abstaining from a Vote. I can well imagine RINOs pulling similar stupid stunts.
They are crybabies.
Their followers have always impressed me as the type that have an affinity for the formulaic and scripted. You know, idiots.
I rode the commuter train for 25 years that terminates in Seattle. The stupid sonsabitches will regurgitate the daily talking point verbatim over and over when talking amongst themselves. They have been conditioned since entering grade school that they get Brownie Points for being able to regurgitate what ever the powers that be want to imprint them with.
Too bad they didn’t parrot – “Salute the marine” or “End of quote”
What a bunch of clowns. The lack the self awareness with this group is astounding.
ccp markie mark kelly is just doing what his communist masters tell him to do.
Ask them what they did last week and you’ll get the same answer 23 times.