They Canned His A$$ – IOTW Report

They Canned His A$$

30 Comments on They Canned His A$$

  1. Just imagine Norm MacDonalds take on all of this!!!!…..Would you call this a Czeropski Colonoscopy?….Rectum hell, fired him….Hey Aidan, is you doing the Dookie Chute boogie down to the unemployment office?….How in the living hell do you explain this on your resume?….

  2. Trump will hire him! Trump even said he was working hard for them. BTW, I thought I read in the article that first came out, that the Senator was involved in the video. Did I read that wrong? And I did watch the video. Made me think of Mar-a-Lago.

  3. It’d be interesting to know if there are still some sodomy laws on the books in DC, even though there’s a Chinaman’s chance in hell that he would be charged if there are. Fudgepackery was illegal in TX. for years after it became celebrated, but hard to prosecute because of lack of evidence.

  4. @DocTar – “…How do we know when we’ve reached peaked degeneracy?…”

    Here’s when, “…24 Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the Lord out of the heavens. 25 Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land…”

  5. He’s not working for the Senate, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t still on the tax-payers’ payroll somewhere in the Congress. He’s probably got too much video evidence on others there to guarantee his continued employment.

    @Goldenfoxx — As far as anyone knows (and for sure it would have merited a CNN crawler for days), no one — gay or straight — performed an indecent act at the GOP’s Lincoln Dinner at Mar-a-Lago. And, again, gay or straight, POTUS Trump would never hire a perverted exhibitionist with exceedingly poor judgement. In a perfect world there would be no people gay people, but it’s not a perfect world, and getting further from ideal every day. I realize you’re very angry with Trump for his support of gays, but it’s a stretch to suggest he hangs out with and would welcome someone like that staffer to join his administration.

  6. Rom 1:27  And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. KJB

  7. He’ll go to the DoT. Pete Butti-juice has a “position” he’d like to put the offender in.

    You watch. These weasels will find a place for him. He’ll be given hero status once the worst blows (ahem) over.


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