They Can’t Say It – IOTW Report

They Can’t Say It


DefConNews: You’d think it would be easy for people like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to wish every American a Merry Christmas, but apparently it’s not. Both of the election thieves struggled mightily to send a simple holiday message of joy, opting instead to politicize the hell out it. Both of them like to say that stupid shit like wearing a mask is what leadership looks like, but their “leadership” looks like a pair of assholes who can’t even say “Merry Christmas” and mean it. more

22 Comments on They Can’t Say It

  1. Christmas is a holiday celebrated by Christians. Christmas is not a “seasonal holiday” lumped in with Kwanza, winter solstice, or any other holiday. Christmas is Christmas, the celebration and adoration of our Lord Jesus Christ, come to earth to save us for all eternity if we choose to follow Him.

    I don’t expect two communists to make any kind of blaspheming “greeting” about Christmas. In fact, I wish they wouldn’t. The Truth is not in them.

  2. I have nothing nice to say about Joe Biden. And even less gracious things to say about prostitute Kamala.

    These commie election thieves should be hung by the neck until dead. Add in their sinister accomplices so that there is a deterrent to future skullduggery and we might be on the right path.

  3. To Beijing Beideng, KamalaHo. and the rest of the ruling class elites, I say, f*ck you, f*ck you, f*ck you very much. I despise you and wish you the illest will possible. Merry Festivus. Assholes.

  4. I have only one good thing to say about Joey: his hair plugs turned out OK.

    And only one good thing about Kakamala: she’s evidently quite talented at sucking up. So to speak.

    Other than that, I hope they both get their mouth wash and their oven cleaner mixed up.

  5. F’ them.
    I wish you all a Merry Christmas!! I hope you can spend it with friends and family.
    To those who are in the military and cannot be with your family, you know you are thought of.
    May He who blesses us all smile upon you.

    Merry Christmas, one and all!

  6. I need to redeem myself after my earlier un-Christian expression of ill will toward the two frauds. (rumor has it that there may have been alcohol involved)

    I’ll leave them out of it and turn my wishes of a very Merry Christmas and a blessed day to Big Fur and the rest of the iOTW family.

  7. May God’s blessing be yours BFH & Company as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior and into a new year…

    As for Satan’s cabal of demons I pray for your eternal salvation while I give your Master my middle finger as he is past redemption.


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