They didn’t think – IOTW Report

They didn’t think


Part of me is gratified by this maniacal speech. Why?

Because it proves we are prevailing over the J6 narrative.

Biden, Matthew Graves, Merrick Garland, celeb J6 cops–their stunts over the past few days show they are LOSING control over Jan 6–a fedsurrection they thought for sure would not just take out Trump but the entire MAGA movement. They thought it would end the GOP and result in mass defections to the Democratic Party. They thought it would end questions about the 2020 election.

They didn’t think anyone would ever question what happened, how it happened, or expose the lies it was built upon. They thought their dirty secrets would be hidden forever. But it’s all collapsing right when they need the narrative to hold most.

Jack Smith’s J6 prosecution of Trump is teetering.

SCOTUS could overturn the most common felony count.

Polls show more people now vs 2021 think the 2020 election was illegitimate. They don’t blame Trump (aside from nearly 100 percent of Democrats) for January 6.

The public, according to WashPo poll, is split as to whether Jan 6 was mostly peaceful or violent. And suspicion about the animating role of the FBI and other government agencies continues to grow. That’s why Biden is ranting and raving and cheering the imprisonment of political dissidents and denouncing truth seekers and pretending he’s George Washington at Valley Forge.

It was never supposed to happen.

14 Comments on They didn’t think

  1. Trumpsurrection any feds involved were his supporters, you think for one minute people don’t know what he did that day your only fooling yourself. Of course MAGA types don’t accept responsibility, act nothing more than like the 5 yr ole who got caught stealing candy at the 5 & dime.

  2. Somebody said that J6 in 2024 is as Charlottesville was for Biden in 2020. I think that’s about right. But Charlottesville didn’t work, so they had to weaponize the common cold. J6 isn’t working, either, so they’ll have to generate some fresh hell to steal it this time. Which of the four horsemen will they stalk this time?

  3. Regardless of what anyone thinks, or wants us to think about J6…..Riddle me this….
    blm & pantyfa burned citys, killed or got people killed for 2 years prior and also “occupied” the capitol and were snitpussin’ at the white house in May of 2020….AND NOBODY SAID SHIT.


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