They Said What Now? – IOTW Report

They Said What Now?

Is he malfunctioning?

His kid is having issues, too.

26 Comments on They Said What Now?

  1. “It appears the evil is starting to kill him.”
    Well, evil took it’s own damned time!!

    Maybe Evil will get him AND Biden at the same time.
    That would make 2024 the best year in recorded history.

  2. So fukkin die, already.
    You too, Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey.
    Oh … and Nancy … and Schitt … and Nadler … and Lee … and Mittens … and &c.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Jeez, the punchable face on his kid. He’s used to talking like that with his boyfriend’s schlong in his mouth is my best guess. How does someone get themselves in a position to talk down to other people and can’t spit out anything but erm, uhh, you know, derp, for 2 minutes straight? And the dolts in the audience are on the edge of their seats waiting for the next uhhhhhh, you know.

  4. If Georgie Porgie pudding and pie were to suddenly die, I promise not to cry. Go ahead Georgie and have a stroke, we’ve all been waiting for you to croak. Go ahead and act like Humpty Dumpty and fall off your evil perch, and all the WEF’s elites and all of his evil henchmen couldn’t put Georgie Porgie back together again. SPLAT! And take joey and john effin kerry with you.

  5. OldCoot Monday, 22 January 2024, 8:04 at 8:04 am

    “It appears the evil is starting to kill him.”
    Well, evil took it’s own damned time!!

    His evil began the second he was conceived, just like Hitler, Vlad the Impaler, Pol Pot, etc. Like all the others, his day is coming. Oh, and don’t forget, he’s Jewish.


    “I don’t need your prison
    I don’t need your pain
    I don’t need your decision
    So what should I do?
    I don’t need your approval
    I don’t need your hope
    I don’t need your lectures
    I don’t need a thing from you

    I’ll be sorry when I’m old
    You’re so full of sh!t man just go

    Die motherf*cker, die motherf*cker, die”

  7. evil Son of Soros: “Checks and Balances aren’t written anywhere, umm, Donald Trump came in and took that all away”….

    What!!? I guess when you dismiss the Constitution, it all gets blurry after that. Tripart government, no? Bicameral COngress with separate roles in Legislation, Budget creation, Appointments…

    When you evil POS father baits the traitors with Mammon and they all serve Satan, your “democracy” becomes a pile of shit.

  8. Alex Soros is actually crazy. Literally. He’s a little putz controlling 25 billion dollars and he has been tasked with destruction. He’s already signaling he is going to have people assasinated before he is stopped.


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