They say Chaotic like it’s a bad thing – IOTW Report

They say Chaotic like it’s a bad thing

Patriot Retort: Have you noticed how often the Democrats and their Handmaids in the media accuse the President of having “the most chaotic Administration in history.”

It’s chaotic!

Do a Duck-Duck-Go search on the term “Chaotic Administration” or “Chaotic Presidency” and you’ll see what I mean.

John Kerry Slams Trump for ‘Chaotic’ and ‘Corrupt’ Administration” is a headline at Yahoo News from Saturday.

Schumer: Trump Running ‘Undoubtedly the most chaotic Presidency ever’” reads a headline from Breitbart.

Bloomberg Rips ‘Senselessly Chaotic’ Trump, Demands GOP ‘Start Showing Some Spine’” says the Huffington Post.

Those are just some recent examples.

But it has been a common complaint about President Trump for the last two years.

Now, to be fair, some of the chaos since the 2016 election is manufactured by the pearl-clutching from a perpetually outraged media.

When the news is running breathless reports about Trump getting two scoops of ice cream and acting like it’s earth-shattering, you know they’re the ones stirring things up in order to make everything look out of control.

But is chaos really a bad thing?

I don’t think it is.

16 Comments on They say Chaotic like it’s a bad thing

  1. We need more head-bashing, ball-busting, kiester-kicking, face-slapping events – and giant, sewer-pumping machines on that Potomac Beltway Swamp, 24/7. (It could also be nuked from orbit, just to be sure.)

    Merry Christmas, Washington. Now, get out.

  2. My President gets kicked in the balls each and every morning, by traitorous Republicans, craven media pukes, and the screaming Leftist twats running the DNC, and the Globalist cabal, and that shit stain at the FED. He fights all day, working twice as many hours as all of the above, and keeps his focus.
    Then he gets up the next day, and does it all over.
    He out thinks, out works and outsmarts them all.
    He is waging the real war.
    The real struggle of our times.
    It is between the last free nation and the Globalist Elite, who have harnessed the rabble and the media.
    If Mr. Trump loses, we lose.
    If this is chaos, then I want more.
    I want it to rain chaos.

  3. When we hear that Trump is chaotic, or unpredictable, or unpresidential, or inept, or any of the other slurs thrown at him, it all comes from a single cause. Trump is throwing monkey wrenches into the machinery that the Incumbent Party and their globalist supporters have carefully been building for decades to boost their egos, inflate their bank accounts, feed their lust for power, and enables them to force the rest of the world into a regime that crushes freedom and locks people into actual or virtual slavery with no means to fight back much less escape.

  4. Its not chaos, it the “Trump Mist” he uses to confuse and confound his opposition. You can’t pin Trump down or put him in a corner. He’s like a championship boxer. It frustrates the living shit out of the MSM and especially the Commiecrats.

    Syrian = worked
    Fed crash = going back to gold standard
    Wall = has money (Omnibus bill for military) just letting the Dem show true nature.
    Cabinet reshuffle necessary players for next 2 years

    Growing in Queens he had to learn how to fight and never lose. Never bet against Trump, especially if he’s in your corner!


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