‘They slaughtered us like fish in a barrel’—citizen reporter Mindy Robinson exposes Vegas massacre coverup – IOTW Report

‘They slaughtered us like fish in a barrel’—citizen reporter Mindy Robinson exposes Vegas massacre coverup

Revolver– The 2017 Las Vegas massacre is one of the deadliest mass shootings in US history—yet, it’s also one of the most mysterious and tightly guarded. Officially, we’re told that 64-year-old Stephen Paddock acted alone, firing over 1,000 rounds into a packed music festival crowd from his Mandalay Bay hotel suite. He slaughtered 60 people and injured hundreds more before turning the gun on himself. more h/t Brad.

13 Comments on ‘They slaughtered us like fish in a barrel’—citizen reporter Mindy Robinson exposes Vegas massacre coverup

  1. That incident was just off the charts crazy insane shit. I didn’t understand it then, and I don’t understand it now. I’ll never understand it.

    It’s way beyond my ability to understand. I could come up with some tin-foil hat explanations, but that would be a useless endeavor.

  2. I add up the timeline of news accounts, police reports, ‘expert’ opinions, and politicking blowhards, then blend with eyewitness accounts, analysts with no ulterior motives, and plain old common sense, and what I get is very powerful forces, either deep swamp or unaccountable corporations, who did a perfectly terrible thing and continue to be successful at making us all mushrooms in the dark eating manure.

  3. “and what I get is very powerful forces”

    Especially when you review the very credible accounts of black shiny gun ships engaging someone below them. And then the nest day see photos of vertical bullet holes through traffic signs. And this was at least a mile away from the venue that everyone was shot to hell at. They sure as hell are trying to erase it from our memories though.

  4. @Mark — Or take the Beltway to the GW Parkway and go North to the Turner Fairbank Highway Research Center exit. But instead of turning right, go straight. You’ll find plenty of people there who know all the answers but if they tell you they’ll have to…well, you know.

  5. @Just Saying:

    Listening to that video they are 2 sets of gun fire at the same time. I don’t think you can do that with bumpfire stocks unless you have 4 arms

    Or you have three arms and your name is Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

  6. There’s no one damn thing that makes any sense. Nothing. Nada. Starting with some old clown using a bump stock AR killing people 650 yards away with a 556. It’s ALL bull shit.


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