They stole the Senate. Now they say it sucks – IOTW Report

They stole the Senate. Now they say it sucks

Don Surber:

On January 4, the day before the runoff election in Georgia, I wrote, “The case against a Republican Senate.” I was disgusted with a party that refused to help its president and quietly aided and abetted the steal of the White House by the Democrats.

I pointed out how a Republican Senate failed to repeal Obamacare, failed to build a wall, and in general, failed to serve America. 

Democrats stole two Senate seats in Georgia the next day, which gave them control of the Senate. 
11 months later, Democrats feel the same disgust I did. They are whining that a 50-50 Senate sucks. Ha ha ha.
Politico reported, “Senate that ‘sucks’ gets a dose of reality from Biden.”
Mazie Hirono of Hawaii told Politico, “A 50-50 Senate is really problematic. I’ve used the word ‘sucks.’ It definitely enables one or two people to hold things up. So, yes, I am frustrated.” more here

9 Comments on They stole the Senate. Now they say it sucks

  1. “Mazie Hirono of Hawaii told Politico, “A 50-50 Senate is really problematic. I’ve used the word ‘sucks.’ It definitely enables one or two people to hold things up. So, yes, I am frustrated”

    ..breaking it down…

    “Mazie Hirono of Hawaii” is a batshit crazy old Communist broad who’s been into the high-grade Hawaiian Sativa for way too long.

    “told Politico”, a Communist propaganda organ,

    “A 50-50 Senate is really problematic.”, which is BY DESIGN, the Senate was INTENDED to be slow, deliberative, and to give states of unequal population equal representation to PREVENT mob rule or rushes to judgement that will affect millions of lives.

    “I’ve used the word ‘sucks.’” I bet you have, and probably in more than one context. Democrats, male and female, seem pretty orally, anally, and genitally fixiated in general, and I’ve no doubt you know all ABOUT “sucking”, at LEAST as much as the tramp posing as VP, and you only think of it negatively when it isn’t YOU it advantages.

    “It definitely enables one or two people to hold things up.”
    Uhhh, it’s not “one or two”, dear, its FIFTYone or FIFTYtwo, more than HALF your legislative body you have FAILED to convince, so REALLY the LESSER number is the number of Communist shills PUSHING it. In point of fact, however, since those 50+ are doing the will of those they represent, its MILLIONS who oppose your lunacy, NOT “one or two”. And since they are “holding up” the advent of full-blown, unconstitutional, tyrannical Communism, it really is NOT bad that they are doing so.

    “So, yes, I am frustrated”
    I bet you are, you withered old sagging hagling. Most of you Commie chicks are very sexually frustrated due to both your physical and spiritual repulsiveness, so you haven’t had a MAN actually release your tensions, if ever, since Carter was president. And no, beards don’t count. So the only thing that you, Hillary, Pelosi, get off on is fucking the American Public, so that’s like someone took your dildo when you are denied the ability to immediately do so. So may you be frustrated until you die, and may THAT day be soon and VERY soon, for the good of us all.


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