They want to uproot kids with disabilities from their school to make way for illegals – IOTW Report

They want to uproot kids with disabilities from their school to make way for illegals

The most recent outrageous action by the self-loathing left is the displacement of disabled kids from their school to make room for illegals. This decision, announced by officials in New Hanover County, has sparked widespread outrage in the community. Again, another American last move from the Party of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

8 Comments on They want to uproot kids with disabilities from their school to make way for illegals

  1. Way back, Nasty Pelosi used to mouth, We have to ____________, for the children. She was like a parrot. Every Goddamned thing Democrats advocated was “for the children,” and Nasty couldn’t get through a single Sunday show without spewing that bullshit platitude to justify it.


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