They Want You To Be Afraid – IOTW Report

They Want You To Be Afraid

TownHall: The only thing that outraged the leftist elite, their cackling media Renfields, and the Fredocon sissies more than Donald Trump’s stubborn refusal to die was his stubborn refusal to cower in fear. Think of the collective climax they would have had if he had been wheeled out to the chopper or looked anything but mega-butch in the face of the virus? Once again, his courage has defied them, and that they cannot forgive. Now they are gripped with fear, the fear that the rest of us will stop being afraid too, because if we are not afraid then there’s no reason to let them run our lives. And without fear, there is nothing to protect them.

So, they never stop fearmongering.

Oh no, the flu is going to kill you! 

Or the Proud Boys are coming, all 23 of them! 

Or NRA people with guns will get you!

Or Mike Pence is gonna handmaid you!

Or Russians!

There’s always something you have to be afraid of, and always something they promise to protect you from – if you only obey. That’s why Trump cannot be allowed to show that you don’t have to live like a simpering wuss. You might follow his example and that would be a disaster…for them.

You almost have to feel sorry for the left, hearing that Trump caught the bug their Chinese pals unleashed and imagining that this microbe was going to do what all their lies and froth-mouthed howling couldn’t. They lathered themselves up into a frenzy wishin’ and hopin’ that this was finally going to be what did Trump in. And then the military doctors – who they now hate for failing to fail – fixed him up, and Trump strolled back into the White House like a boss. He was Mussolini though, because he stood on a balcony. Anyone on a balcony is Mussolini, the smart set informed us. And he’s just like Hitler too, because like Hitler, Trump has thumbs.

You could taste their pain, and it was delicious.

17 Comments on They Want You To Be Afraid

  1. Gawd!!!! These freakin’ freaks! I’m so damn mad all I want to do is kick some commie’s ass and make them cry out and whimper about being triggered or get out their cell cameras to catch me micro-agressing them. Give me a bull whip. I’ll snatch that skateboard right out of your soft white hands with their overgrown nails, and chase you down the street cracking my scary bull whip. That’s right, call the police.

  2. I am not afraid of the left and all their lying bs about everything. All the lefty Chicken Littles are the ones who need to be afraid because their goose is cooked and Nov. 3 will be their defeat. The vast majority of the American people are fed up and angry as hell being told that we are the enemy of all their progressive lies and will exact revenge on them by reelecting President Donald Trump to a second term as President. They’ve also pissed off God and everything that is holy and good about Americas founding as a Christian nation. I may even gloat when their ass is kicked on 11-3 and hopefully it will be righteous gloating at the lefts downfall which they so richly deserve.

  3. @geoff the aardvark October 10, 2020 at 5:27 am

    Really pray to God and agree wholeheartedly with all of what you have said. I also have never been afraid of them and their “gospel”, which changes with the news they think they make on a daily basis according to their dreamland, false narratives and lies.

    Am very fortunate about seeing most all of, and spending weeks, months, and years with people in nearly all states of this magnificent Country by living, working, and even playing music publicly and privately with American musicians and meeting, working and knowing their family and friends from all walks of life.

    THEN, I vacationed for weeks in other countries, including Russia, Ukraine and Germany. After several weeks to months there and learning their language, and meeting, knowing some of its people, I soon understood the meaning of kissing the ground when coming back home.

    If somebody knows of anyplace (with all of its tolerable faults) better than this Country please let me, and everybody else know where it is.

    If you do find it, I absolutely know your finger will be pointing towards the United States after your blindfold has been removed and one of America’s greatest presidents has been elected again for a second term.

    May God Bless You All!

  4. The Democrat’s are constantly instilling fear into people especially around every election cycle, look what they’ve done to African Americans, lying to them for at least 150 year’s.

    For the last two years Nancy Piglosi has just been over the top with fear mongering, while shoveling her big mouth with ice cream and lecturing to us about mask 😷 wearing.

  5. It’s absolutely fascinating to witness the wailing and gnashing of teeth by the useful fools.

    There’s nothing new under the sun. I wonder if the wolves in sheeps clothing know they’re wolves or is it their eyes that covered in scales? Definitely a battle of principalities, you can almost feel the energy…Who starts at thanking The Almighty knowing as His creation they’re imperfect, but acts as a servant? Which side cast off God and wants to tell you how to do everything and be your master? Telling you how privileged one group is over another group, not understanding by beating that drum they are saying they don’t think we are created equally? Who divides to conquer?

    Shouldn’t the question be- Who is your Master? Nosce te ipsum.

    United we stand. God bless our President.

  6. It really is sad to see how many people not only willingly comply with the fear mongering leftist politicians but how they do so with great enthusiasm.

    Love this article. By the end of it I was cheering.

  7. Propaganda united to Terror is an age-old, tried-and-true method of domination.
    The Terror is to atomize society – to isolate every man from every other.
    The Propaganda is to convince him (in his isolation) that he must be obedient to the omnipotent state – both for his own good and for the good of the “society,” which in reality no longer exists, but is constituted by other terrorized cells.
    He is alone and helpless: whether against the state, or disease, or ignorance, or starvation, or relentless foes, or traitors from within, or the climate, or the “farmers,” or the “capitalists,” or the “wreckers,” – basically from everyone and everything. Paranoia becomes normal. Your own children will inform against you – which is another reason the state-run schools don’t want you peeking in on what your children are being indoctrinated about.

    National Socialist Germany
    Soviet Socialist Russia
    Communist China
    Islamic Republic of Iran
    Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
    Blah, blah, blah …

    I always wondered how nations could allow themselves to be corralled by such immense and obvious mendacities, but now I see.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. There’s a quiet pushback going on against covid fear, at least around here. We never had a government lockdown last Spring, and masks were optional almost everywhere. Then came the SeCoNd wAvE, and we got a corporate lockdown. Everybody had to mask in businesses. Now, some businesses are bucking that corporate trend, and I’m seeing a lot more faces indoors when I’m shopping, and no Attack Karens or Store Security Drones. Some places are nothing but faces, both customers and employees. I shop those places a lot now.

    People are losing their fear—some of us never had the fear—of the covid, and they’re getting pissed off and defiant. So keep up the mask-shaming and mandate talk, Dems. We’ll see who’s with you next month.

  9. When PIGS want to rule by fear.
    They’re not entitled to RULE at all.

    They’re supposed to


    When gov’t doesn’t serve its people

    The gov’t has lost and has



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