They Were Emailing About a Bill – IOTW Report

They Were Emailing About a Bill

And this happened. —-> Link.

12 Comments on They Were Emailing About a Bill

  1. Tony R Saturday, 20 January 2024, 9:03 at 9:03 am

    Could someone translate that guy into English?

    I thought it was just me, I didn’t get anything out of that….. Maybe he should have told the story with a straight face?????

  2. I laughed so hard my stomach hurts!

    I think the traveling through time bit knocked me out … “I’ll be returning last week.”

    BTW, you can read his response at the same time he is reading it for you if you have trouble with the “translation”.

  3. The best laugh I’ve had for weeks. The serious tone applied to something so ridiculous turned out to be hilarious.
    Some don’t get it but I was laughing too much to care about the guy’s accent. Besides, you could read the emails as he reads them.


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