They’re Done With Liz – IOTW Report

They’re Done With Liz

RedState: Who could have guessed that Liz Cheney would be too crazy even for the libs? That’s the story of a new piece from The Washington Post. According to over a dozen staffers who served the January 6th committee, the recently defeated Wyoming congresswoman’s behavior has left a bad taste in their mouths.

There’s a lot here to unpack, but the gist seems to be that Cheney has turned the committee into a personal vendetta to boost her 2024 chances. MORE

20 Comments on They’re Done With Liz

  1. If Wyoming didn’t allow Democrats to vote in Republican primaries, Lying Liz Cheney, the former Congresswoman from Northern Virginia, wouldn’t have gotten twenty percent of the votes in the State she pretended to represent.

  2. Nobody likes a turncoat. Except for corporate boardrooms. I don’t think she’ll actually run for President, unless it’s a bitter vanity campaign where she gets used by the Republican campaign consultant guild so they can make some money off of nevertrump fools. Maybe that’s her ticket to a chair on a board of directors. Now which board…Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, GE, Fox, Pfizer, ADM…

  3. Thirdtwin
    How much wood did that lame duck chuck into contracts her fathers way?

    Is it on the record?
    Should be, right?
    Maybe we all ought to check before she checks out of her government office.

    Duck Stains and Turkey Spur scratches on Government Wall Spots

  4. If Cheney believes her misguided vendetta against American Patriots will increase her chances in 2024, she’s more demented than I originally thought.
    She’s Wyoming’s turkey, she’s done.

  5. Thirdtwin
    NOVEMBER 24, 2022 AT 8:33 AM
    “I don’t think she’ll actually run for President, unless it’s a bitter vanity campaign where she gets used by the Republican campaign consultant guild so they can make some money off of nevertrump fools.”

    …or be a splitter, like Pence, to peel juuust enough votes off President Trump to cause hard feelings in Republican circles, cause Republicans to sit out elections, and make a second Pedo term seem almost plausible.


    It’s the devil’s favorate operation.

  6. corvair
    NOVEMBER 24, 2022 AT 9:28 AM
    :She doesn’t have to run as a Republican. Maybe Biden/Cheney 2024 – then Cheney in 2025.”

    No man stands with a traitor. Not even another traitor in a party of traitors.

    See Arlen Specter for further details.

    When satan is done with a tool, he drops it. Liz only had a very limited appeal and therefore a very limited use, so he’s gotten all he can get with her, so he can cast her off now and move on to more potent traps.

  7. I’m no kinder to my slaves than my enemies.

    I’m meaner, if anything.

    But they never catch on and still worship me like they’ll get brownie points in hell.

    When all I REALLY give them is more brownING in hell.

    They end up basting in their own juices forever, and seem surprised like they never knew what kind of being I am, even though it’s right there in my NAME.

    Go figure.


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