“They’re Fair Game”: Dan Abrams Warns Parkland Students About Becoming Activists – IOTW Report

“They’re Fair Game”: Dan Abrams Warns Parkland Students About Becoming Activists

DailyWire: On Friday, the founder of Mediaite and Law & Crime warned students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School about becoming activists, saying, “these kids better saddle up.”

Appearing on CNN with host Brooke Baldwin, Abrams first addressed leftwing activist David Hogg’s calls for companies to drop Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s show, “The Ingraham Angle.”

“I am surprised, because I think that people who advertise with Laura Ingraham’s show know what Laura Ingraham’s show is,” Abrams said. “I also think we should be careful. I think it’s a little dangerous for anyone of either side to start celebrating advertisers pulling out.”

Abrams, who is the chief legal analyst at ABC News, went on to address the notion that the student activists are off-limits for criticism, saying, “They’re fair game.”

“They’re advocates now,” Abrams replied to Baldwin, who asked if it was okay for the media to criticize the students after they made multiple highly inflammatory remarks about Republicans and the NRA.

“They’re young victim advocates,” Abrams continued. “But they have to be treated as advocates.”

“The problem here was, Laura ended up being petty about it, and that’s the reason,” Abrams explained. “It wasn’t that she criticized him that was the problem. The problem was it just felt small and petty to do to a high school student.”

“But there’s no question — these kids better saddle up,” Abrams stated. “If they’re going to get into this debate, and they’re going to be out there advocating, they better be ready to take it.”  WATCH:

15 Comments on “They’re Fair Game”: Dan Abrams Warns Parkland Students About Becoming Activists

  1. Something tells me they have some new polling data. Or maybe listened to Rush’s show today. Other than their media groomers, who has given any credence to what they are advocating?

  2. Hogg Wild is after Mcstain now. Bad idea for two reasons. Number one is obvious, he’s picking on someone terminally ill. Number two Megan Mcstain will be after him now.

  3. This is what media matters do to people that day disagree with. I went to their website to see for my self and Sean hannity, Laura Ingraham, and other are in their website.

  4. What I want to know is what are the companies with such lame-brained upper management dildos who will actually take the advice of a 17 year old Eddie Haskel wanna-be! Now THOSE are the companies I want NOTHING to do with!

  5. Just wait until the snowflakes discover, how MANY gun owners, are COMBAT VETS. 😮

    This ain’t no party – this ain’t no disco – this ain’t no #*$!& around!

  6. Very well done video Brad! Listen to your elders! The Nazism of the Left is very real. They are Politically Correct Totalitarians who will not participate in a truthful argument or tolerate an opposing word. If you take exception to something they say, they will shout you down or beat you up… and they´re proud of it! They use propaganda like nothing I´ve ever seen before. They’re pushing Anti-Semitism as well as fabricated “Racism” in order to divide the country. The only real way they are different than the Nazis is that they are fashion challenged with their lousy uniforms of hoodies and masks and they don´t carry guns… yet!

  7. Start with your daddy’s gun Hogg boy. Your mommy probably doesn’t want the armed security at CNN either as she deserves her safe space. After you’ve done the above, F#ck off!


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