They’re going to leave Huma under the bus – IOTW Report

They’re going to leave Huma under the bus

Breitbart: Instead of blaming Russian hackers and FBI Director James Comey for Hillary Clinton’s election loss, some Clinton advisers are blaming Clinton aide Huma Abedin and those in Clinton’s inner circle for losing the election.

huma squints

“The real anger is toward Hillary’s inner circle,” a Clinton insider told Vanity Fair for a Wednesday feature on Abedin. “They reinforced all the bad habits.”

Abedin, who has been by Clinton’s side ever since she served as an intern for President Bill Clinton, is one of the most prominent figures in Clinton’s inner circle.

The vice-chair of the Clinton campaign, Abedin offered guidance on Clinton’s probable thoughts on upcoming events, meetings, and calls before the requests ever made it to Clinton herself.  more

30 Comments on They’re going to leave Huma under the bus

  1. I am very sorry about this, but it’s not my fault! I am actually very camera shy…but on the other hand…Tony’s an hopeless perv!

    Hiding my head in shame as best I can..

  2. You would think that hillary would come forward and tell people to leave huma alone.
    The depth of evil in hillary makes me wonder if she should be left alone in a room with her grandkids.

  3. I am awaiting their thought progress for assigning blame arrive at where they toss Clinton herself under the bus, then drop a tank on top of the bus to make sure the wicked witch is gone. Billie Jeff has already spouted off his litany of blame, starting with the phone toss off the balcony after screaming at the bitch for cutting him out of the campaign process.

  4. What is terrifying for Huma and Anthony is they KNOW TOO MUCH.
    Don’t be surprised to find them in their apartment double tapped and made to look like homicide/suicide. The Clinton vipers are not known to be merciful to anyone witnessing, knowing of, or playing with them. I only hope the new AG moves fast and gets a special prosecutor assigned and Cankles behind bars. If their baby is made an orphan, i hope someone takes both vipers out for good. Their trail of bodies exempts them from any courtroom justice and takes it to the streets for justice.

  5. As I recall no one but Hillary could make the decision to leave Americans unprotected in Benghazi to be murdered while sending Islamic terrorists weapons. It was Hillary who cut State Department contracts and grant money to her political scumbag friends. It was Hillary who said the Americans were murdered because of a film. It was Hillary that lied about deleting her thousands of e-mails.
    Try as she might to blame others, she built this failure of a fiasco. She owns this and the illegal Clinton foundation.

  6. @Southwesterner: I’m thinking that Huma may feel she’s ‘safe’ from the under-the-bus routine due to the years she spent with Hillary. She (and the perv) know they have ammunition against the Clintons, and the Clintons know it too. If, IF the Clintons gave an order for elimination anytime soon, it might be too obvious to the American people.

    Hopefully, the Secret Service are doing ‘more’ than their jobs and watching/listening very carefully to what goes on between the Hag and Billytheperv. This is the time for them to be very suspicious of any- and everything…even during ‘walks in the woods’.

    @MJA: It’s kind of creepy to think that, but on the other hand, if you look at H’s eyes in almost any photo, even when she smiles, those eyes just exude EVIL!

    @RadioMattMM: Like throwing different kinds of pasta?

  7. Gee … and such a happy, pretty girl, too!

    Looks like something left a bad taste in her mouth … Preparation-H and Summer’s Eve must be a nasty combination.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. I can think of nothing stupider for Team Hillary than to attack Huma Abedin. I have to believe she knows all the dirty secrets better than probably Hillary herself. Time for a good tell-all book – don’t you think? Payback’s a mother.

  9. After hearing how Hillary treated Donna the Brain Dead Buffalo (not to be confused with the upper state NY band Donna the Buffalo) after the CinC debate, I would pay a large sum of money to watch a video of the HRC campaign HQ in NYC between 8pm November 8 until 6 am the next morning.

    Strap me in a chair Clock Work Orange style.

  10. I’ve said it before, although I hated the thought of a Hillary presidency with every fiber of my being what really worried me was the threat of those she surrounded herself with making her decisions for her. This is a perfect example.

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