They’re just not into de Blasio – IOTW Report

They’re just not into de Blasio



MSNBC’s Savannah Sellers interviewed New Yorkers on Thursday morning, asking them their thoughts about New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio entering the presidential race.

His campaign likely won’t make it far, if their reaction is indicative of how the rest of the country will react.

“Yes, so, Steph, there was actually—last month, in a Quinnipiac poll—76% of New Yorkers said that they do not think he should run for president. Every party, age, racial and borough group listed in that agreed on that. And from what I heard this morning, so do New Yorkers just riding the subway getting ready for their morning commute. Here’s what they had to say,” Sellers began.

“Very disappointed,” one person said. “I personally would not vote for him.”

Another added, “My concern is how there’s a lot of Democrats running for president, and it makes it complicated to narrow down a choice.”

“He needs help, seriously. The guy hasn’t done really jack. Besides it’s about time a woman runs the country,” a different person explained.

“I think he should have announced on the first of April,” a different New Yorker told Sellers. “Because it would have been a good April Fools’ Day joke.”

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6 Comments on They’re just not into de Blasio

  1. 18% would choose this repulsive slug for our president?
    That must be the minimum of people we intermingle with that no amount of reasoning will penetrate. Depressing.

  2. Gotta remember that some Georgians supported Jimmy Carter’s bid for the Presidency because they wanted his stank ass out of Georgia!
    Sort of an electoral “Peter Principle” – except that Jussie … uhh … Jimmy was incompetent the day he was born.

    izlamo delenda est …


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