They’re So Full of Crap, Their Seal Should Have a HoneyWagon on It – IOTW Report

They’re So Full of Crap, Their Seal Should Have a HoneyWagon on It

FBI responds to Twitter Files: ‘We never direct or ask them to take action.’

The Twitter Files revealed that the FBI regularly contacted the social media platform about content it deemed questionable.

JTN: The FBI has responded to revelations published in the so-called “Twitter Files” about the agency’s involvement with the social media platform by saying it never asked Twitter to “take action” to censor content. 

“We are providing it so that they can take whatever action they deem appropriate under their terms of service to protect their platform and protect their customers,” the FBI told Fox News on Wednesday. “But we never direct or ask them to take action.”

The files are a series of recent posts by several independent journalist about efforts by top Twitter executives and outside stakeholders before Elon Musk recently bought the social media platform to expose their efforts to censor or suppress content. MORE

9 Comments on They’re So Full of Crap, Their Seal Should Have a HoneyWagon on It

  1. “If I say a thing that I know is not perfect truth; it is a flat perjury.”

    FBI are perjurers and liars.

    A veiled threat is no less a threat.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Oh.
    An Agency, paid by the American people to protect the American people which conspires with ANY political group to deceive and defraud the American people, is in a state of Treason against the American people and the American Way of Life.


    An Agent true to his Oath would have been exposing these Traitors, not conspiring with them.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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