They’re So Upset Right Now – IOTW Report

They’re So Upset Right Now


We want an America filled with hope and bound together by a shared vision of a brighter future, a future defined by individual freedom, economic promise and national pride. We believe in Harris and Walz. Our brother Bobby’s decision to endorse Trump today is a betrayal of the values that our father and our family hold most dear. It is a sad ending to a sad story.

Kathleen Kennedy Townsend

Courtney Kennedy

Kerry Kennedy

Chris Kennedy

Rory Kennedy

39 Comments on They’re So Upset Right Now

  1. And meanwhile the Democrats thru every dirty trick they could come up with at RFK. They put Gabbard on the terrorist watch list. They will soon potentially jail there main political opponent. How can RFK family member still support the Nazi party? They’re Fing brain washed.

  2. biden* legacy is shot to all fuck.
    Guaranteeing the first blah-blah-blah in the grievance hierarchy will save his final cadaverous years.

    Also, Jimmy Carter dies in a month, and she gets to put on her own saint george floyd funeral for the old fool as preezy…

  3. Individual freedom and economic promise?

    Must be nice to be in with the in crowd and have confidence, maybe misguided but confidence nonetheless, that your lifestyle will not change under communism.

    I’ll go on record saying that putting RFK into a position within a Trump administration will be a mistake. I don’t believe we’ll see a second Trump term so there is no value in that statement.

  4. If my 3 younger brothers were like that, I’d disown them even though they’re my brothers. The entire Kennedy clan is paying for the adulterous, Nazi sympathizing activities when he was US ambassador to England before World War 2 and criminal activities like building the family fortune on bootlegging illegal liquor and other sins of the family patriarch joe kennedy who was about as big as a scumbag can be.

  5. They just dropped off the mail here at the shop. In it was a “Collectors Edition” of Essence Magazine. We don’t subscribe to Essence Magazine. Guess who’s on the front cover. Kami Toe. That’s quite a national mailing campaign going on there. The wife laughed and through it in the garbage.

  6. Speaking of,”From the river to the sea”, Rachel Zegler, that brain-dead retarded radical feminist that plays the new Snow White, on the same day that Disney released its new trailer, just posted Free Palestine on her X account.

    Nothing makes my day more than when Disney again shoots itself in the foot and is hoisted on its own petard. And she isn’t even attractive.

  7. ” a shared vision of a brighter future, a future defined by individual freedom, economic promise and national pride.: Absolutely none of that is in the dem party you cretins.

  8. The Kennedys, what’s left of them (except for RFK Jr.) are wetting their undies and panties today.

    On November 4th I firmly believe they and all democraps will flood Massachusetts, DC, NYC, San Fanfreako, and Hollywhorewood with their pee. We know the only way they can win is by cheating.

  9. Tsquared

    I’m thinking everyone’s going to get a copy. I looked it up it’s a legit subscription based magazine that caters to black fashion. Somebody should tell them kami is not black. I’m wondering who is paying for this? When I say it was mailed to us I mean specifically. It had our shop name on it. It’ll be interesting to see if anyone else gets a copy.
    And don’t they by Federal Election Laws need to offer Trump equal time?

  10. Whaddaya expect from a bunch who’s never had to struggle to make a mortgage payment let alone wonder where their next meals coming from. mingere in omnibus illis

  11. The Demwit Kennedy clan have turned into grifters. These days a Democrat dynasty in name only. They’re getting their bills paid by the Deep State.and can’t afford to be anything else but leftist tools.

  12. Those dumbass Kennedy bints are too stupid to realize that the same type of people who killed their father and uncle are trying to murder Trump and for the exact same reasons.

  13. TheMule

    I was getting ready to make the same exact point. And what you posted was better than where I was headed. I will add, what the fucks wrong with these people. They killed your family. Talk about sleeping with the enemy.

  14. JDHasty, for some time now, leading conservatives, independents like Tulsi Gabbard have been predicting RFK Jr would endorse Trump. He really didn’t have a choice. He needs allies. The Democrat Shadow Government want RFK Jr. gone, too…by any means.

  15. The current generation of Kennedy’s are loath to admit their best-known relative JFK would today be considered a Republican and that the modern Democrat has slid so far to the left Mao would have trouble being accepted into it!


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