‘They’re terrorists’: Philadelphia restaurant owner blames antifa for vandalism – IOTW Report

‘They’re terrorists’: Philadelphia restaurant owner blames antifa for vandalism

Post Millennial- A 75-year-old restaurant owner in Philadelphia had nearly all the windows of his business destroyed early on New Year’s Day in an attack he blames on antifa.

“They’re terrorists. They just knocked out $20,000 worth of glass,” says restaurant owner Jack Gillespie. He says the vandalism this week is the culmination of weeks of targeted harassment by left-wing activists and antifa groups angry that members of two right-wing organizations were allowed to patronize the Millcreek Tavern.

On Nov. 15, 2019, around 15 members of the Proud Boys and a local Turning Point USA chapter had an unofficial social gathering at the restaurant and bar in West Philadelphia. As news of the meeting spread online, it led to a wave of negative reviews and harassment directed at the restaurant’s owner and staff. 

“I don’t have any idea who the Proud Boys are,” Gillespie says. The Proud Boys is a controversial right-wing men’s group and drinking club formed after the election of Donald Trump. Some of its members have been convicted for their involvement in street brawls with antifa militants. read more

17 Comments on ‘They’re terrorists’: Philadelphia restaurant owner blames antifa for vandalism

  1. You can’t be neutral in a divided nation, you’re on one side or you’re on the other by default.

    Decide what you stand for and be ready to fight for it, no matter what anyone may think or say about you.

    And by fight I don’t mean rhetorically, it’s already beyond that point even if most people don’t realize it. Most people don’t realize something is changing until after it has already changed and are then surprised or dumbfounded by it, don’t be among them.

    Hard conflicts lie ahead, be ready to face them.

  2. This will eventually lead to serious street-fighting. What Obola wanted during his second term but was depending upon the wrong people.
    Ordinarily, if one is too lazy to feed oneself, one is too lazy to fight.
    Window-breakers and the low-lifes like those in Ferguson and Baltimore who go out and burn stuff and prance around throwing rocks, will generally cower when confronted by serious repercussions (they know the Police are restrained by law and tradition, but attacked shop-owners and outraged armed citizens are not).

    Remember how the rioters avoided the shops defended by armed Koreans back in the LA riots? No reason to think that’s changed. Mobs get their courage from the mob and will break and run at the first sign of push-back – basically cowards and emotionally-stunted adolescents.

    A few “00” blasts into the crowd would have dispersed them – but Philly’s a shit-hole and has been for decades – so the dude would have been in serious legal jeopardy.

    Let the Insurance company eat the loss – hell, they can raise the rates on my house – I don’t mind …
    (the cops know the perpetrators, but NO judge will make them pay the damages)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. having been trained and educated in riot control and mob psychology, a history of response to mob and insurgent conflict would show how to respond effectively, vigorously and immediately to riots and vandals and terrorists.
    The british response to conflict in aden many years ago is quite illustrative. armed insurgents hidden among the population causing grievous unrest and many casualties was an issue in one area. the brits deployed sniper teams at a long distance from population centers. when ever they observed a person with a weapon, they killed them. the observed did not hear the shot, they only saw the armed person fall down dead. this continued for some days. soon, there were a sense of calm and a lack of displayed weapons. the terrorists and those inciting unrest had left the area. but, that is the brits operating in a foreign country under instruction to use whatever means necessary to restore order in the shortest time possible.
    we are not going to get to that in this country, now are we? can you guess how many laws that would violate for the government to respond in that manner in this country without declaration of martial law? can you imagine just how long a politician would last in office after declaring martial law and instituting such draconian measures against US citizens?
    depends if it was trump or obama

  4. antiFa is confused, They are the most profacist group anound. If you have the opportunity I to view historical films from the period. Mussollini boys started by breaking windows and beating people up.

  5. i expect that defending your property will result in receiving serious charges if any Leftist is hurt while vandalizing …this will embolden the thugs for a while. The response will be to form cells, vigilante groups, that can stop this violence in process and claim self defense, and/or can hunt people down for retribution…The Media and Left will go wild over this, so some vigilante efforts and groups must be in stealth..and must be brutal until the riots cease. Democrats began the KKK to punish Black people and those who wanted Freedom, now the Right must form a group to protect lives , Freedom and Property…It must be bad for your self esteem to be a Democrat. We have downgraded vigilantes because the KKK was evil but in prior centuries, it was a necessity when an area was lawless or corrupt…as Civilization is destroyed by Nihilists Democrats, it will soon be time to replace this artifact of noble man with community Law and action..When response time by Police is irrelevant, and it generally is, Leftist then go after weapons of the individual..

  6. capt fast JANUARY 4, 2020 AT 1:38 PM

    ..we are not going to get to that in this country, now are we?..

    All that’s needed is for the police to not show up a few times.

    Plenty of answers to this problem, but the police end up protecting the bad guys by monopolizing use of force.


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