Things a tourist might say: “I’m going to jump in the air – take a photo for me as a memory” – IOTW Report

Things a tourist might say: “I’m going to jump in the air – take a photo for me as a memory”

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15 Comments on Things a tourist might say: “I’m going to jump in the air – take a photo for me as a memory”

  1. On the bright side, he was posthumously awarded a prize for best form during a free fall into a mountain abyss.

    So at least his family will still have Paps’ blue ribbon.


  2. when will all these killings stop? …. oh, the humanity …. more & more people are killed every year, trying to get the coolest, neatest photo shots to put on their Fakebook page. how many more people must die while texting, or walking off curbs into traffic, or trying to get that neat selfie while dangling your 2-year old over the Gorilla Enclosure?

    more people are killed every year because of evil Facebook than are killed by ‘assault weapons’ (as defined by the regressive media), each & every year …. we must have ‘common sense measures’ … after all, it’s for the children

    how many more lives must be taken to satisfy the greed of Mark Zuckerhuckster?

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