Things Are Going Well in the Capital of Police De-funding – IOTW Report

Things Are Going Well in the Capital of Police De-funding

Jihad Watch:

This is fine.

Portland police responded to four shootings and four major traffic incidents Friday night and Saturday morning, in what officers labeled an “extremely busy night” that left them unable to respond to some lower-priority 911 calls.

The shootings left at least five people injured and two dead in a murder-suicide. The traffic incidents left one person dead and four people wounded, including two with life-threatening injuries.

Why might the police have had trouble responding?

Portland was one of the few places to defund the police by $15 million. The efforts to lynch police officers over battles against violent rioters and left-wing mobs led to massive resignations and retirements leaving the city with the smallest police force on record in a generation. more here

15 Comments on Things Are Going Well in the Capital of Police De-funding

  1. Dang. I was hoping Pelosi’s Capitol Police project was getting defunded.

    If the GOP takes the House, and they don’t stop that crap immediately, the win will be just a waste of time.

  2. No sympathy for Portland collectively. Their collective self-satisfaction and out and proud narcissism the last five decades will not allow anything but indifference. Pity is even beyond anything I have to offer at this point.

    Let the nihilists bath in their own arrogance and blood.

  3. If cops do their jobs they risk prosecution. Soros bought Portland’s D A. There are more bums in the wagon than tax payers pulling the wagon and the Mayor still wants more useless bums. Tax paying job creators are fleeing. Downtown is dangerous, buildings are being vacated. If elections were held today not a single communist would be voted out of office. Good job democrats.

  4. agree….NO SYMPATHY at all…reap what you sow bitches…..and Mayor Ted may be the only worse mayor than Mayor Pete Buttplug. I feel sorry for them but they keep electing the same brain dead morons! Sorry but when they actually wake up and vote for someone who will protect them and not let the little Antifa butt buddies run wild then I will side with them…..

  5. “Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety” ~ Benjamin Franklin.
    The “temporary safety” was provided by the police. It worked for a little while. Now we will have to clean up the mess. The sooner the “temporary safety” is defunded the sooner we can get to work.

  6. @aircubed May 3, 2022 at 1:19 pm

    > “Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety” ~ Benjamin Franklin.
    > The “temporary safety” was provided by the police.

    Such a pretty story. So pretty, we’ll ignore the (FULL) century between the quote, and the FIRST police. And WHY (WHO, and HOW) first hired them.

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