Things HuffPoo receives in the mail – IOTW Report

Things HuffPoo receives in the mail


Anonymous Hero Fake News Bombs HuffPost’s PO Box.

HuffPost’s Amanda Terkel opened a letter Wednesday from a reader only to learn that it wasn’t exactly fan mail. “YOU ARE FAKE NEWS. VERY FAKE NEWS,” the letter read in all capital letters.

Terkel, HuffPost’s Washington Bureau Chief, shared a photo of the letter on Twitter.

The vast majority of responses to Terkel’s tweet suggested that the letter had originated in the White House, perhaps from a new White House aide. Others suggested that the criticism meant that she must be doing something right.

 But according to Terkel, after that things just got weird.

5 Comments on Things HuffPoo receives in the mail

  1. That’s something I forgot to do. Take video of my testicles, burn to DVD and mail the DVD around.

    I’ll get right on that.

    If you want a copy put your mailing address in the comments section.


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