‘Think he’s sick?’ Viewers took notice of Bill Clinton during his DNC speech – IOTW Report

‘Think he’s sick?’ Viewers took notice of Bill Clinton during his DNC speech

Many viewers of Bill Clinton’s prime time DNC speech Tuesday night noticed his hands were shaking repeatedly throughout his performance.

29 Comments on ‘Think he’s sick?’ Viewers took notice of Bill Clinton during his DNC speech

  1. Syphilis. And if he’s got it , …., he’s porked everything on the democrat side of the gutter. So watch for more of this.

    Change maker must be some kind of dirty lesbian term?

  2. I absolutely, guaran-damn-tee that Hitlery is hoping that Bill will kick off about 2-3 weeks before the election. Then, she could tell her best lie yet. With fake tears welling up in her eyes, she would say, “Just before my dead husband went off to that big Oval Office in the sky, he said, ‘Kid. I want you to go out there and win this thing for me!’ [now, screeching] So all of you! Let’s fulfill his dying wish and go win this thing for BILL!” She’d even imitate his voice.

    She has fantasized about it. I know she has.

  3. Just a prediction – Bill’s death will be the October surprise. Imagine the sympathy the Hildabeast will garner as the grieving widow at a state funeral. That aught to be good for 2% at least. If I were Bill, I’d be changing doctors and avoiding aircraft at all costs.

  4. I don’t want him to die, actually.

    Can you imagine all the eulogizing about how much he loved Hillary?

    I had an absolutely vicious stomach virus in the spring. I’ve already met my barf quota for 2016.

  5. There are many disorders that could cause the shaking. I hope Billy Jeff has all of them.

    @hoplite- the only fantasy Hillary has is that she is on her back on the Oval Office rug, Huma’s tongue swells to twice its size while the Marine Corp Band plays “Hail to the Queef.”

  6. He has Ex-musician’s Syndrome. He doesn’t have the lung power to play the sax anymore, and’s been suffering from whore Monica withdrawal for years now. It seems that rum-soaked cigars are just no substitute for the real thing.

    Ya know?


  7. Who cares?
    &c., &c., &c.

    They could ALL drop dead tomorrow and the (real) world would heave a sigh of relief.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. @Tim, about your list,
    the Media loves to point out how the country is divided into two sides. That begs the obvious question: how can a normal, decent person not absolutely HATE the people on that list ?! The top people that the Democrap party has trotted out for decades now?

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