Third Largest Teachers’ Union Faces Demise of Its Own Making – IOTW Report

Third Largest Teachers’ Union Faces Demise of Its Own Making


By Brent Urbanik
Real Clear Wire

In a frantic attempt to preserve its monopoly over the Miami-Dade County Public Schools, attorneys for the union currently representing the district’s 24,000-plus teachers and support staff are relying on a strategy that has the potential to backfire and leave its members without workplace representation altogether.

On March 18, United Teachers of Dade (UTD), using an argument that would invalidate its own petition, asked a hearing officer with Florida’s Public Employee Relations Commission (PERC) to reject a competing union’s bid to participate in a forthcoming election to determine the bargaining representative for the South Florida educators.

The election is the result of a law passed by the state’s legislature last May requiring a recertification vote for government employee unions whose paid membership falls below 60 percent of the total bargaining unit. more

7 Comments on Third Largest Teachers’ Union Faces Demise of Its Own Making

  1. EVEN FDR was opposed to government employees joining unions. He said that it was completely inappropriate for the government to be on BOTH sides of the issue while the taxpayers had NOBODY representing them. ALL government unions should be abolished…or just fire everyone…or just abolish government (yeah…that one).

  2. I miss the good old days when the mission of the teachers unions was to enrich the teachers union. Now the mission is to indoctrinate and groom the children for Satan.

  3. Teacher’s unions are the root cause of the current nightmare. They’ve been at undermining our traditions, institutions, history and culture for over 100 years.

    3 steps forward and 2 steps back have brought us to sexualizing 5 and 6 year old children by faggots dressed as women putting on disgusting displays in out schools. And if you think that’s out of line, the FBI will show up at your home to get your mind right.


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