Thirsty Uruguayans decry BigTech plan to exploit their water supply – IOTW Report

Thirsty Uruguayans decry BigTech plan to exploit their water supply

‘It’s pillage’: thirsty Uruguayans decry Google’s plan to exploit water supply.
Country suffering its worst drought in 74 years, with government even mixing saltwater into drinking supply.

Guardian: A plan to build a Google data centre that will use millions of litres of water a day has sparked anger in Uruguay, which is suffering its worst drought in 74 years.

Water shortages are so severe in the country that a state of emergency has been declared in Montevideo and the authorities have added salty water to the public drinking water supplies, prompting widespread protests.

Critics claim that the government is prioritising water for transnationals and agribusiness at the expense of its own citizens. Daniel Pena, a researcher at the University of the Republic in Montevideo, said: “Only a tiny proportion of water in Uruguay is used for human consumption. The majority is used for big agro industries, such as soya, rice and wood pulping. Now we have Google planning to use enormous quantities of water.” more here


FROM 2022: ‘Unprecedented’ flooding event wreaks havoc in Uruguay capital of Montevideo.

And in the US.

4 Comments on Thirsty Uruguayans decry BigTech plan to exploit their water supply

  1. “…and the authorities have added salty water to the public drinking water supplies…”

    …ummm, they have these things called “Desalination Plants” that were invented for just this purpose, maybe back off the corruption for a weekend and start building one of those instead of, you know, poisoning your people…

  2. wasn’t there a Daniel Craig James Bond movie about this topic?

    that’s what the masses love about James Bond … he’s always kicking some megalomaniacal take-over-the-world billionaire’s ass


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