“This agency NEEDS to change.” – IOTW Report

“This agency NEEDS to change.”


EXCLUSIVE: A Secret Service counter sniper sent an email Monday night to the entire Uniformed Division (not agents) saying he will not stop speaking out until “5 high-level supervisors (1 down) are either fired or removed from their current positions.”

The counter sniper also said the agency “SHOULD expect another assassination attempt” before November and complained that he is no longer proud to be a USSS counter sniper after leadership failed the officers at the Trump rally in Butler on 7/13.

“This agency NEEDS to change,” the sniper wrote in the email. “If not now, WHEN? “The NEXT assassination in 30 days?” “Sadly we have fallen short for YEARS,” the counter sniper lamented. “We just look good doing it. I have conveyed these thoughts to not only supervisors (to include the current Captain of CS, but those responsible for training us (SOTS/CS). Only to be brushed off as those with less experience somehow knew more than me.” “The team I was once proud to be a part of, is something I have to somehow hide as I move into my next career,” the counter sniper continued. “Who wants to hire a USSS CS guy who failed? That’s the public perception I’m not faced with. The USSS CS team is a stain I will never be able to cleanse.” He concluded with these two lines: “The motto of the USSS…CYA. And every supervisor is doing it right now.” The agency quickly deleted the email, a knowledgeable source told RealClearPolitics. Full email with name redacted below:

24 Comments on “This agency NEEDS to change.”

  1. You have to admire Kim Cheatle. She wanted to stay on the job until her mission was complete. The first try failed but she just needed another chance at completing the mission of eliminating Trump for the deep state.

  2. I cannot stand listening to Dan Bongino for any length of time but he’s been on the story of the USSS failure for at least since this all happened, and he’s been consistently giving shout outs to everyone he knows still in service to come forward.

    It was disheartening to learn that Speaker Johnson is going full RINO on selecting the members to fill the committee to investigate this.

    And the communist Left is throwing so much crap out on the airwaves, it seems to me they are going for “the fog of war” routine.

  3. Sadly, the failings, the excuses, and the misguided woke mindset have not only the USSS but the military and law enforcement.

    The Democrats have made it their life mission to tear down the pillars of tradition, of pride in country, and all working institutions that have served this country well and guided it towards goodness and virtue.

    The great American, Clay Higgins spoke on this about a year ago;


    Our nation is weakened (by design) by our enemies from within. They created this adversarial culture, I’m willing to accommodate them.

  4. AA, I agree, Dan Bongino is really hard to listen to for more than a half hour or so. That being said, he seems to be on top of this story like no one else.

    Rich Taylor, I’ve liked Clay Higgins ever since I first saw him. I hope he’s what I think he is.

  5. Rich I had to watch Simone outdo herself again… just Wow! She is fully recovered after Tokyo. Female gymnasts were being abused by a “trusted” team doctor…he’s in prison now. Documented in a video titled “Athlete A”. Terrible stuff.

  6. I refuse to watch one minute of the Olympics, that Satanic crap they pulled was too far. Then we send inferior basketball women all because the black women are racists who are jealous of a white girl.

  7. @ AbigailAdams TUESDAY, 30 JULY 2024, 21:46 AT 9:46 PM

    It is obvious what Paul Ryan was and is, this Johnson is cut from the very same cloth. Neither are worth spit.

  8. You know who REALLY is behind this? – the instigator? Jill Biden: she picked that useful idiot Cheatle as the head of the SS. And it was Jill Biden who had the SS put extra agents on HER, pulling them from Trump’s detail on the day of the shooting. Don’t tell me this wasn’t planned. Time is going to show the damage that Jill Biden has done with her absolute delusions of granduer and incompetence. She was running the show. She needs to be held criminally accountable.

  9. @ Anonymous WEDNESDAY, 31 JULY 2024, 0:14 AT 12:14 AM

    She doesn’t have what it takes to run a Goddamned toilet plunger. The ones running the show have made like she was Queen Bee, but she ain’t shit.

  10. DEI is a double whammy; not only does it install unqualified diversity hires to positions of authority, but it demoralizes those who are passed over for promotions who actually earned it. All by design.

  11. If this had happened 30 years ago, everyone would have expected “heads to roll” (especially if were an actual attempt that needed covering up).

    Today, no one expects heads to role, so they don’t.

    If Trump isn’t elected in November, SHUT THIS GOVERNMENT DOWN!

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