This Bear Is Bored – IOTW Report

This Bear Is Bored

Skier stalked by bear on the slopes.

14 Comments on This Bear Is Bored

  1. I love that thumbnail, used to be my avatar on some firearms sites.

  2. That ain’t no cartoon anthromorphized bear folks, it’s a real bear and he wants to maul you and kill you. You better be able to run or ski faster than the bear does or you will become bear bait. It would also help to have a big gun to kill the bear before he gets you.

  3. That was a youngster bear. An adult would not of wasted the energy. An adult bear, if starving enough, would of just walked up to that group of skiers and picked out the smallest one like an appetizer at a smorgasbord. That’s not to say that Booboo wasn’t dangerous, just curiously stupid.

  4. We saw a bear in the SB mtns’ sitting on a table like that, licking a bowl of butter someone had left there. He wasn’t bothering anyone and, while we watching him from a distance for a while, we apparently didn’t bother him either.
    Good Bear!
    Jerry Mandarin – I’ve always thought trapping some TX pigs and turning them loose in Belair would be 10 tons of fun…


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