This Black Life Doesn’t Matter AT ALL – IOTW Report

This Black Life Doesn’t Matter AT ALL

This black life form does not matter. Not one bit. Not an iota. And he may very well be a protester in Baltimore holding up a #BlackLIvesMatter placard.

The slogan is stupid. Not all black lives matter, nor do sh!tstains of every other persuasion. Nor does every cops life matter, it depends upon what kind of person they are.

Read what this wastoid did HERE.

Queens cop shooting perp Demetrius Blackwell
Queens cop shooting perp Demetrius Blackwell

9 Comments on This Black Life Doesn’t Matter AT ALL

  1. But, but he was a good boy…..NOT.

    earlier conviction for murder?
    Why was he set free from prison to walk the streets?

    The judiciary, and parole board should be held accountable for every crime he committed since release.

  2. He was goin to school to be a rocket sturgeon and got waylaid by da man. Dey put a store in his town what stole his munnies, an tooken his EBT card out to the lemon. Dem white devils can’t be not disrespecin da bruthahs and da sistahs for no good ta do nuthin? See whatI’msain?

    Is like “WHOMP!” der it is!

  3. When we had actual Presidents residing in the White House instead of traitorous community organizers, the outrage from an act like this would generate federal programs, such as the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Program.

    Now we get community investment payoffs to the unschooled psychopaths that comprise our inner cities.

    Slavery reparations are alive and well in this administration.

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