This Coach Makes Sense – IOTW Report

This Coach Makes Sense

In Pennsylvania, Bedford coach slams the governor for his hypocrisy on WuhanFlu. Also, would you patronize a business that doesn’t require masks?

18 Comments on This Coach Makes Sense

  1. …would you patronize a business that doesn’t require masks?

    Not only would I patronize one, I’d go out of my way to patronize a business that doesn’t require masks.

    Around here in Sarasota County, a lot of businesses have signs up saying they “require” masks but they not only don’t enforce that, they don’t say squat if you go in and walk around without a mask. The one time a Publix manager started to explain masks to me (heh!) I simply told him I have a medical condition…and that was the end of it.

  2. I do, and I will keep doing it. Even with a mask mandate in my city.

    The virus will end 11/4. Then the riots start after DJT wins. Sometimes a bully needs a bloodied nose to learn their place. A after all we have been put through, we will be bloddying noses if they keep it up.

  3. Totalitarianism at the state level:

    1. Non-essential business shutdowns and restrictions.
    2. Mask requirements.
    3. Distancing requirements.

    Both violate the Constitution of the United States because they cause great harm and are contrary the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment.

    Hopefully, President Trump will figure this out eventually – after the election, I suspect.

  4. As stated above, I would go out of my way to patronize a no-mask business establishment. And I’d stand/sit/talk right next to other people, like in the olden days. I’m neither sick nor scared. But I do have a strong case of mask-rage.

  5. There will not be riots after Trump wins, nothing beyond what is currently happening. Who would rise up who is not already doing that? In fact, while noises will be made, frankly some of the current rioters will lose steam and there will be less than there currently is. Plus, conservatives are ready and willing to defend themselves – we will all be prepared, just in case.

  6. after PDT wins the cities will burn … people out alone will get the same treatment that raccoon got in NYC by the feral hood rats … (Warning: not for the squeamish)

    after the meltdown it will be over within a week, because there will be nothing left to burn & the right will start gunning them down if they spread to the ‘burbs … if PDT doesn’t call out the troops

    oh, & hell yeah, I’d go out of my way to patronize a biz that doesn’t require masks

  7. It’s pretty much the biggest tell in sales, now. The militant mask wearers are people you do not want to do business with if it’s any kind of long-term deal. Truly, one of the clearest indicators of potential problems that I’ve ever seen and I’ve been doing this shit a long time.

  8. I live in a large city, Toronto,and take the subway to work about 2-3 times a week,retired sort of.
    Masks are mandatory on public transport and public indoor spaces.
    However, how you wear them is up to you.
    I’m the guy you see keeping my lower goatee warm, many drop them below the nose or just say fuck this.
    In the last four months i have not seen or heard of anyone berated for not wearing them properly.Maybe it’s a Canadian thing?
    Mind you, once the temperature drops to -10 it may be a welcome addition to the Canada Goose attire.

  9. Locally every store has a sign mask required to enter, but all of them seem to ignore trying to enforce it. [I think it’s a governor mandate that the signs be posted].

    I’ve not seen any employees request customers not wearing a mask to put one on or leave. Most check out clerks are wearing them, but they agree with me that the mask requirement is BS. So yeah, I shop there.

    Only on vacation in May on Outer Banks of NC was I stopped at the door and told I needed to put on a mask to enter. My reply, you don’t have anything inside I want that bad.

    Last evening reading through the ‘look inside’ feature of a book I was thinking I might order. I read two quotes that are appropriate for the times.

    “The doctor is more feared than the disease” – French Proverb

    “Though the doctors treated him, let his blood, and gave him medications to drink, he nevertheless recovered”. Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.

    The know-it-alls. Don’t know it all. Right, Dr Fauci?

    Oh, there was one more quote with out a source.
    “Never question authorities. They don’t know either.”

  10. North Florida here…..still, to this day, I haven’t put a mask on one single time. I’ve not had any employees at any store require a 😷 mask to shop. Lowe’s, Wally, Publix, Target, my job. If they offer one, I take it, say thank you and stuff it in my purse. I won’t wear one, ever.


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