This Commercial Is For… – IOTW Report

This Commercial Is For…


25 Comments on This Commercial Is For…

  1. “It Will Kill You!” – Trump-Hater Neil Cavuto “Stunned” that President Trump is Taking Hydroxychloroquine

    No, Neil. Taking it up the rear end will kill you. Ever heard of aids, bub?

  2. There’s a commercial with two black guys on a roof top sharing a couple beers and cooking a dinner. Next thing you know they’re in a down low lip lock. I’ve seen it about three times and I still can’t figure out what they’re selling. I want to know though so I can be sure and boycott. What do young parents tell their kids? Nobody wants to see that shit.

  3. Brad, nobody wants to see that shit is right! Maybe we’re wrong, is it possible all the men have eaten so much soy, and the wimmin are so against traditional role models that that now represents the the largest audience to market to? Shit, we are so screwed!

  4. I am tired of women telling me I’m a victim just because I’m a woman.

    Do any of you know the story of little Jack and little Margie? They showed each other their privates. Welllll, Margie ran home crying to her mother and said she wanted a penis. The mother dried Margie’s tears and said, “With what you’ve got you can have as many of those as you want.”

    Mic drop.

  5. I have absolutely no problem with mixed marriages, but why does about every other commercial feature a mixed race couple.
    If advertisers truly wanted to represent the people they’re trying to sell to, you’d think they’d try to get the percentages right.

  6. Anyone who still has tee vee piped into their homes is part of the problem. Why on earth would you willingly spend ANY time and pay an exorbitant amount of money (or any money) for propaganda? And to have your children’s minds warped and turned against you and the values that are so hard to inculcate in the first place?

    Believe me, you can live much better without the boob toob. Besides, when is the last time you watched a kid sit down to watch anything on tee vee that wasn’t Netflix or the internet?


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