This ‘Dumb S***’ Will Cost Us the House: AOC Blasted by Dem Mastermind – IOTW Report

This ‘Dumb S***’ Will Cost Us the House: AOC Blasted by Dem Mastermind

Western Journal: Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign manager Jim Messina took issue with Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s support for far-left candidate Alessandra Biaggi, who is primarying Democratic incumbent New York Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney. (Maloney currently serves as the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chair.)

Messina expressed his anger in a response to a Twitter thread from New York Times reporter Shane Goldmacher about this endorsement on Tuesday.

Messina wrote, “This is so counter-productive. The Supreme Court is about to outlaw abortion. We could lose both houses. So we are going to focus our time running against each other? Now we’re primarying [committed] progressives because. . .why? If we lose house it’s because of dumb s*** like this.” more

19 Comments on This ‘Dumb S***’ Will Cost Us the House: AOC Blasted by Dem Mastermind

  1. AOCunt is, indeed, a dumb shit, but she’s only one of millions of reasons the democrats should lose the House. And if the democrats stay in power because of out of control cheating, then the South Central, Mid-Central, and Southeast states should seriously consider forming an alliance to secede from the Communist Fucktard States of AmeriKKKa.

  2. Are we starting to hear violins and a trickle of water flowing?

    Flooding amidships!!

    M̶a̶n̶ Person the lifeboats!!

    Get the quartet on deck to calm the passengers!

  3. Those who have the intellectual capacity (and it doesn’t take all that much of that) to recognize La Retardada AOC for the ideological imbecile that she is have already long since done so. What I hope we’re seeing today is the recognition of the political enmity and pathologically destructive personalities of the Dem establishment.

    In other words, the Messinas of the DNC should stop griping at AOC and instead take aim at their bosses. I’m talking about YOU Rancid Nan and Schmuckles.

    I can say that with the utter certainty that it won’t happen. That’s good because I sure would love to see the wailing and lamentation and humiliation of the Dems come November when they become the minority party in both houses. It’s by no means certain, though, because the GOPe can fuck up a game of tic-tac-toe even if they get first move.

  4. Blaming others is all the despicable lowbred subhuman pieces of shit know. What is novel is the rotten fuckers are at least pointing their bony finger at someone that isn’t totally innocent this time.

    Is there a Go Fund Me I can donate to to encourage more if this?

  5. The Dems, by hook but mostly by crook, have control of the 3 branches of .gov As a result, everything has gone from Trump prosperity to Biden trickle-down poverty in 2 short years.
    Seems like it’s going to be awfully hard for the dems to come by any votes, by hook or by crook.
    And there’s far worse than AOC in .gov; she’s just the current court jester.


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