This May Explain Raffensperger – IOTW Report

This May Explain Raffensperger

MyMCR: OUR VIEW: Former insiders dish on Secretary of State office.

Election turmoil has wracked Georgia since the Nov. 3 election, and many have wondered what’s going on in the office of secretary of state Brad Raffensperger.

Two former employees of the office told the Reporter this week that they’re not totally surprised by the uproar, saying it was a horror show run by an ambitious political consultant.

The employees, who don’t know one another, asked to remain anonymous for fear of retribution. But both gave a similar description of an office hellscape run by 30-year-old deputy secretary of state Jordan Fuchs. Fuchs was vice president of the political consulting company Landmark Communications, and managed the winning campaign of Brad Raffensperger. Raffensperger is the Atlanta area engineer with the funny name whose millions helped him get elected out of a crowded field.

Upon taking office in January 2019, Raffensperger hired Fuchs to run the office.

“She’s the whip cracker,” said one former employee who I’ll call Pat. “I don’t think he gave any input at all. Every idea was hers.”

The former employee said Fuchs had a bad temper and retaliated against employees who displeased her.

Another former employee, who I’ll call Adrian, said Raffensperger said the buck stopped with him when Adrian was hired. But Adrian soon found out that it was Fuchs calling the shots.

Both employees said Fuchs is a political liberal who merely worked in Republican politics because it’s the only way to move up in Georgia. One said she regularly had dinner with Democrat leaders in the Georgia legislature.

keep reading

h/t KT

SNIP: Is Raffensperger banging this chick?
Someone should ask him. Or his wife.


214 State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia 30334

18 Comments on This May Explain Raffensperger

  1. This is not a case of someone taking advantage of a public figure.
    The guy (obviously) is a full participant in the amorality of his campaign and office. He simply has no morals and will do and say anything that can potentially increase his bank account.
    No loyalty to Georgia, no loyalty to America, no loyalty to the Constitution, no loyalty to God, no loyalty to honesty, no loyalty to his wife, no loyalty to his staffers – pretty much another greasy opportunist, spreading hate and the venom of mistrust throughout the land. We’re going to see more of them in the months to come.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “That said, both said there are good, smart people in the secretary of state’s office, including elections officials Chris Harvey and Gabe Sterling.”

    Don’t know about Harvey, but Gabe Sterling is a melodramatic POS who’s been chewing the scenery and denying election fraud at the top of his lungs for the last month. It wouldn’t surprise me if he orchestrated this hit piece on Jordan Fuchs. Or could be they’re all scheming Dem vipers. A lot of the Georgia Assembly members used to be Democrats, too.

  3. Jordan Fuchs……
    Spelled Eff-You-See-Ach-Ess
    Pronounced Eff-You-See-Kay-Ess
    Either way, the first two letters say it all.

  4. Thirdtwin — Gabe Sterling is the guy who publicly called those who insist on knowing the truth of the Georgia election fraud, the equivalent of “Iranian terrorists”.

  5. Dec 2018: Raffensperger Names Fuchs To Serve As Deputy Secretary Of State

    Photo (oh, I see!!!!) and then this:

    Before joining Raffensperger’s campaign, Fuchs served as vice president of Landmark Communications, an Alpharetta-based public relations and political consulting firm. Prior to that, she worked in Washington, D.C., in Congress and U.S. Foreign Policy Program with the Council on Foreign Relations. She also worked on Capitol Hill in the office of U.S. Representative Rob Woodall. Fuchs earned a B.A.J. in public relations from the Henry Grady School of Journalism and a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Georgia.

  6. Kemp, Raffensperger, Duncan and Sterling all need to be removed from Office. Raffensperger needs to be prosecuted for all/any charges to the fullest extent of the law (he is the lowest of all human beings). Those 4 individuals have ruined Georgia, and will go down in history as a complete disgrace – men of no integrity, ethics, or character. The disrespect for the rule of law, our constitution, democracy, and general disrespect for the people they serve is incomprehensible I’ve never seen such betrayal in one state administration. The legislators should meet tomorrow to decertify until each precinct/county has reconciled and determined (investigated) the impact of the evidence brought forward on this election. – it’s the law! This entire situation is so sad.

  7. “Kemp, Raffensperger, Duncan and Sterling all need to be removed from Office.”

    They need to be rendered into their constituent parts, sealed in weighted drums, and dropped into the ocean.
    Their assets seized and their families left to beg – in that other Georgia.

    izlamo delenda est …

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